Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 2: A bulleted list of everything that happened in your day

-8:00 wake up.  Adeline let me sleep in!

-8:10-8:30 eat breakfast

-9:05 go to the gym, drop Adeline off at the child care, hurry back to the pool.  I only scheduled an hour of child care, so if I want to get my whole workout in, plus a shower, then I have to hurry.

-9:10 get to the pool and realize that all 3 lap lanes are full, plus one guy is already waiting for a lane.  Plus, the old ladies in the water aerobics are taking up the rest of the pool.  There are a ton of them today!  And to make things worse, the class is so big that they have to take away one of the lap lanes, making people who were already swimming have to get out and wait for people to finish in the 2 lanes that are left.

-9:30 a lane finally opens up for me and I start swimming my heart out, knowing I have 15 minutes to swim if I want to have time to shower before picking up Adeline.

-9:45 rush to get a shower before the aqua class gets over (at 9:55) so I don’t have to wait for all the old ladies.  Apparently, many of the old ladies left the class early and all the showers were full except for the sit down one (gross!).  I had to use that one which is not meant for showering while standing but I made do in the 2 square foot area that you could stand in and took a speedy shower.

-10:00 picked up Adeline just in time.

-10:30 put Adeline down for a nap

-11:00 She finally stops whining and falls asleep (she’s cutting a molar right now and it is causing some problems when its time to go to sleep.)

11:00-1:00 relax!  Its been a pretty crazy morning already.  I mostly just surfed the internet.

1:00-1:30 lunch and doing dishes

2:00-3:00 grocery shopping

3:00-3:30 Put Adeline in the pack and play and turned on the movie “Bolt” so I could get the groceries in the house and put away.  I don’t know who was more interested in the movie, Adeline or Gob.  Gob really liked watching the cartoon dog.

4:00 Put Adeline down for a quick nap.  She had a different idea and screamed for a half hour before I gave in and got her out of bed.

4:30-5:30 Tried to play with a fussy kid. 

5:30 Rob comes home, I start making dinner and Adeline keeps whining.

6:00 feed Adeline while finishing up dinner

6:30 eat dinner

7:00 Rob, Gob, Adeline, and I go on a short walk

7:15 Rob puts Adeline to bed while I veg on the couch.  I’m exhausted!  I read some of my book while Rob surfs the internet.

8:00 I am typing up this list.  Rob and I will probably play a game tonight then watch some Hulu or Netflix (we don’t have cable).  I predict we will both go to bed early tonight because we have both had a long day!

1 comment:

Justin and Lindsay Wilkin said...

That made me laugh that Gob liked the movie Bolt more than Adeline. That was a pretty funny movie. :)

Sounds similar to my days minus the gym. We usually go for a walk in the neighborhood and sometimes cool off in the kiddie pool.