Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November Updates

Sorry, no photos with these updates, I will post some soon, once they are off the cameras and edited and such.  We visited family in Atlanta and Sumter this past week so we have photos from that, plus the leaves are just gorgeous here now, so we took a few fall pictures as well.  I also plan to have Rob take some pregnancy photos soon too that I’ll share (if they look good :).

Me and Bobby: 

I am now 35+ weeks into my pregnancy and I’m really starting to feel it now.  I had an ultrasound yesterday to see how big the baby is and they said he is a little over 5 pounds right now.  They did some 4D pictures for us, but they mostly just look creepy because I am so far along in the pregnancy and things are getting a bit tight in there!  The best view we could get was very clear right on his nose, which is looking pretty big at this point!  We could also see a little bit of hair, but not a ton.  It will be interesting to see what he looks like when he gets here (I am picturing him looking just like Adeline did, so if he looks different, I’ll be shocked!). 

I am starting to get into the “nesting” stage.  I have some things around the house that I really want completed before little Bobby gets here like better child-proofing (especially in the kitchen) so I won’t have to worry so much about Adeline getting into stuff when I’m taking care of the baby.  I also want to make a bunch of soups to freeze so that when I need a quick, easy lunch or dinner, I have something already made.  I am already planning on making extra mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving so I can use the leftovers to make some kind of potato soup, and I will use the turkey carcass to make some nice turkey stock for turkey noodle soup.  I’ll probably also make some tomato soup and some zuppa tuscana soup (the kind they have at Olive Garden).  So if you have any other good soup recipes that you think would freeze well, let me know!


Rob is just finishing up the greatest rotation ever (orthopedics) and has to start family medicine next week.  He’s had a lot of free time on this past rotation, so now we have to readjust to him working a lot more.  He will have to be on call a couple times a week and won’t have very many days off at all.   I have to take advantage of having him around the rest of this week.  I think I will have him put up our Christmas tree and hang some lights on the house this weekend because I honestly don’t know if he’ll have time to do it any other time before the baby is born/Christmas.  I know you’re not supposed to do that until after Thanksgiving, but I don’t really care since we’re not even doing Thanksgiving until the Sunday after because of his work schedule. 

He has also been in running mode and sourdough bread baking mode lately.  As many of you know, Rob gets a hobby in his head and gets super focused on it for while and right now he is enjoying trail running and bread baking.  I never knew sourdough bread could be so intricate and involved, but of course, Rob has been reading library books about it and watching youtube videos and he is determined to make the perfect loaf of bread.  He’s got all kinds of experiments going with different kinds of starters and different kinds of flour.  He’s actually baking a loaf today that he’s been working on since yesterday, so we’re excited to see how it turns out.


She is so cute lately!  She is just getting into the talking stage and just babbles all the time.  We have no idea what she’s trying to say, but most words sound like “dadda” or “ba”.  I know she is actually trying to say other words, they just all sound the same when they come out.  She’s been doing this for about a week now and its so exciting to see her learn so much so quickly. 

She has also been sick for a while, but we are super lucky because she handles it really well.  She still acts happy most of the time.  She is getting another tooth right now and has pink eye (its the viral kind so luckily her eye isn’t all crusty or anything) and she hardly seems to notice.  Let’s hope she continues to deal with sickness so well as she gets older.

Again, sorry about no pictures this time, but I really felt like blogging and didn’t want to wait for the pictures to be ready!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween and a few other things

Adeline was a pumpkin for Halloween this year.  The Halloween festivities started when we carved pumpkins.  I carved the jack-o-lantern and Rob carved the Mad Hatter.  IMG_1090

Then we had the church “Trunk or Treat” where Adeline loved the freedom to run around.  She didn’t really get the hang of trick or treating though.  She loved wearing her costume.

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The next day we had a Halloween party at the park with a Stay at Home Mother’s group that I am involved in.  It was so cold that day and super windy, so we didn’t stay too long.


And finally, trick or treating on Halloween through our neighborhood.  Like I said, Adeline didn’t really get the hang of trick or treating, but she LOVED dumping her candy out all over herself!  Then she decided to try to eat the candy through the wrapper.  We let her eat 2 pieces and have been eating the rest ourselves!

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And now a few other cute pictures from the past couple days.  This first one is what happens when you go to Sam’s Club at lunch time and you forget to bring something for the kid to drink!  She LOVES soda!


And in this next photo we are training her to be hooked on video games from the very start!  I think this post is making Rob and I look like horrible parents, but you have to admit, they’re pretty cute photos!


And this one I just though was cute!
