Monday, April 20, 2009

Human Growth and Development

So don't we all remember that notorious day in elementary school when they give you the human growth and development talk?  Well, my fourth grade girls got that talk from the counselors the other day, and I just had to post a few of the comments that came with it!  The girls all left the class for the afternoon to have their "lesson" and the boys stayed in the classroom with me (they don't have to go through the torture until the 5th grade).  Naturally, the boys wanted to know why all the girls got to leave for the afternoon.  I told them that they were having a special health lesson.  This quickly dispelled the jealousy of the boys not getting to go.  A few boys caught on and made comments like "Oh, I know what they're doing.  It's so gross!" and "We don't have to have that nasty lesson, do we?"  But then there were the boys who had no clue what was going on.  Here is one of the responses from one such boy...

"Are the girls sticking each other with needles?"

You can imagine my confusion to this and I asked him why he would think that.  He answered, "well you said it was about health and its gross and needles are the only gross thing about health."  I assured the poor kid that there were no needles involved and told him he could ask his mom if he had any other health questions.

Well that was the response from the boys.  Here is one from one of the girls (after being told that they would be leaving the room for this lesson)...

"I know know all about this.  I know a boy's balls are filled with juices and he squeezes them out into a girl and she gets pregnant."  No joking.  That's what she said!

Along the same lines, but on a different day, I overheard a boy and girl in my class arguing about how my baby would be born.  The boy insisted that the Dr. would have to cut the baby out of my stomach.  The girl told him no, that's not how it happens and tried to leave it at that.  Well, being a stubborn 10 year old boy, he went on "well if they don't cut it out of her, how will they get it out of her?  She's not going to throw up the baby!"  After that comment he saw me close by and asked very loudly "How are babies born?"  And that's when I pretended not the hear and started a new lesson as quickly as possible, praying that he would not ask his question again.  Luckily, he knew not to interrupt once I started the lesson so it got left at that.  But just in case, I had my response ready "Ask your mom."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

We're Having a Girl

We had our ultrasound yesterday and "it" has now been labeled "her."  Actually, I kept calling her a "him" before we knew, mostly because I think that's just the default when you don't know what to call something.  Rob and I are both excited, but now that its sinking in, I'm also getting a little scared/nervous.  I mean, I remember being a teenage girl...It is a little scary knowing that I will be responsible for one of those.  But I am completely excited about all the fun shopping I get to do now!  The kids in my class are super excited for me too.  They spent most of the day today trying to come up with a name for my baby.  Here are the student's top choices:

Haley Jr.


Naming the child after them

I think I'll keep looking for other names :)  We have a few names in mind, but haven't settled on anything yet.  Here is some that I have been thinking of, but like I said, it could all change.


Raelynn...possibly a little too southern sounding

Consuela Raspberry (j/k  this is the name I always wanted to name my child when I was little :)

Allison (Allie)...Rob's not really on board with this one, though

Rosemary...I like old fashioned names, but this may be too old...I like it though

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!  I just don't want something that is too popular. 

And on a side note, Rob and I probably shouldn't watch the news anymore.  It leads to too much yelling at the TV, grumbling about the government, and puts thoughts into my head about moving to other countries just to avoid the bad becoming worse.  How have we let our government take so many liberties in changing their roles?  Now I am no constitution expert, but I'm pretty sure that the founding fathers did not intend for our government to bail out banks and control car companies!  And then they encourage Americans to go out and buy new cars (which no one can afford because we are in an economic crisis!) by backing warranties and giving tax breaks (which really isn't enough to make a brand new car affordable, not that I want them to give more, I don't think they should get involved at all).  Didn't we get into this mess partly because banks were encouraging Americans to buy things they couldn't afford?  Since when was buying something you can't afford a good financial decision???  Plus, who wants to buy crappy American-made cars anyway?  Then you have the union workers who work these assembly lines and whatnot and they are getting paid more than I do for doing a way easier job.  (Yeah, I know its a little hypocritical of me to complain about that since the NEA fights for my salary, but I am proud to say that I am NOT a member of the NEA!  I don't believe in it).  For those of you who are still reading at this point, thanks for letting me get on my little soap box and vent. 

Oh, and one last note on the pregnancy.  I have now developed a new symptom that I HATE....leg cramps!!!  I've only had them twice now, but both times I have woken up to the most excruciating pain and had to use a great deal of self-restraint not to wake the neighborhood with my screams.  I had one this morning, and it is now 10:30 at night and my leg is still tight and uncomfortable.  Anyone else experience this or know a good remedy?