Monday, February 18, 2013

Worst Blogger Ever

So I feel like the worst blogger ever lately.  I really enjoy writing blog posts, but life has just taken over and blogging has been pushed to the back of my mind.  But I love reading my friends' blogs when they update, so I will try to post here a bit more often.

So here's what 2013 has looked like for us so far:

Rob worked nights last month so his work schedule was crazy, which throws mine and kids' schedules off too.  We were all very thankful when February came along.

I hosted a pasta class for my cooking club last week and it was a blast!  I also learned some new pastas for the class and everything turned out delicious.  We even made chocolate pasta!

I've been working fairly regularly for my Rodan + Fields business.  It is so nice to have a "job" that is not washing dishes and doing laundry.  Now when the kids go down for a nap/quiet time I can look at the messy house and say "I'll clean it later.  Right now I need to "go" to work!"

For my birthday Rob made me a delicious chocolate cake with salted caramel frosting that was to die for!!!  We both keep trying to find an excuse to make it again.  Who wants to come over and give us an excuse to make you cake?

Adeline and Bobby are both growing up so much.  Now that we've cut Bobby's hair, he looks like a little boy, not a baby anymore.  Bobby loves to do anything Adeline does.  His favorite color is orange, his favorite movie is Tangled.  He loves to wrestle and play rough and jump off couches and tables and beds (thanks to his cousins, Jack and Grey, Bobby has realized how much fun it is to be a boy).  He talks a lot more now, but we still don't understand most of what he says.

Adeline is very into arts and crafts right now.  She can entertain herself for a long time if she has paper, crayons, scissors, glue, watercolors, play dough...(you get the picture).  She loves writing strings of letters and asking me what they spell.  She is also very interested in numbers and counting and is always asking me to add numbers for her (Mommy, what does 2 and 2 and 3 and 5 make?).  She can almost count to 29, she skips numbers 13 and 14 every time though.  I'm not sure why those ones are so tricky.

Neither of the kids like sleeping in their beds lately.  Adeline gets up in the night and wanders the house and either ends up on the floor or the couch or even our bed, if she's sneaky enough (the only down side to having a king bed is that we don't even notice when she crawls in at night).  Bobby just likes to sleep on the floor with a huge pile of pillows and blankets.  He's improving though.  I think he slept in his bed once last week.

Hopefully it won't be so long before I post again!