Sunday, April 24, 2011

Funny Kids

Adeline cracks me up! She is especially funny as she is talking more and more. She just learned how to tell Gob to sit. Except she pronounces the "s" as "sh!". To make it even funnier, she yells it over and over to Gob and squats as she says it to show him that she wants him to sit. (right now as I type this, I can hear her in her crib saying "Gob, s(h)it!" over and over again...Gob is not even in the room with her)

Another funny thing she does is put herself in time out. For example, she was playing with some cords the other day and I told her to stop and she didn't, so I told her to go to time out. Then the next day, she walked over the the cords, picked them up, started laughing, and then said "time" (that's how she says time out) and runs to the time out spot and sits down. She thinks it's hilarious to try to sneak out of time out, so she thinks by putting herself in time out, it's a game. She has been putting herself in time out a lot lately. We may need to rethink our disciple techniques here...

We made sugar cookies for Easter last night, and I told her she could taste the dough. She didn't trust me though and said no. Then instead she decided to taste a handful of flour. Maybe she'll trust me next time. Of course, when the cookies were finally ready, all she wanted to eat were the sprinkles on top!

(Right now she is in her crib quacking to herself...I told you she's funny!)

Adeline has just now started to interact with/get jealous of Bobby. When Bobby's crying I tell her to go make him happy and she runs over to him, stands about 5 feet from him, squats down to his level and yells "hi" and then runs away. Tonight he was laying down playing on his play mat and she came over and laid down right on top of him! Bobby didn't mind at all though. He loves attention from Adeline!

Bobby still has the cutest smile I've ever seen and he's a mamma's boy, for sure. He LOVES getting his diaper/clothes changed and laughs the whole time. He is very ticklish, too. He is a great napper at church, or anywhere else besides his crib! He sleeps great in the crib at night, but I just can't get him to nap in his crib for longer than 30 minutes! I'm not giving up on crib naps yet, though. Any advice???

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Why Should I Teach My Child This?

At Adeline's 18 month appointment in Jan. the doctor gave us a list of developmental things children should be learning between 18 and 24 months. One of the things on the list said something along the lines of "help your child learn to undress themselves." So being the naive new parents we are, Rob and I have been encouraging Adeline to try to undress herself when we change her diaper or when it's time to get in the bathtub. She usually gets the shirt stuck over her head and she can never get her feet out of her footy pj's on her own. But she tries and it's funny to watch. We learned the error of our ways today when Adeline would not go to sleep at nap time. We could hear her talking and playing. When we went in to check on her and try to get her to sleep she was standing butt-naked in the crib, pointing to her clothes and diaper on the floor--and there was a big wet spot in the crib. So a word of advice to parents whose kids have not learned to undress themselves yet...don't teach them! They'll find out on their own eventually--if you're lucky, maybe even after they're potty trained!

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