Friday, September 27, 2013

Our Lives Lately

We've been doing more (very) informal homeschooling the past few weeks, but we've also just been spending a lot of family time together.  Rob's schedule is very hectic right now, but before it got crazy, he had a few days off so we took advantage and did lots of fun family stuff, which will always take precedence over school in our family.  So that being said, here are some pictures of our lives:

I kind of hate the ipad apps that allow the kids to take pictures and am usually really annoyed when I look through my pictures and see 10 pictures in a row of blank screens or "drawings" with a stray mark here and there.  I was pleasantly surprised when I saw this one saved, though, because I thought it was cute.  Adeline still loves to draw!

I came upstairs one day to hear Rob giving the kids a medical lecture on bones and joints and came in the room to see Adeline and Bobby both very interested in Daddy's anatomy book.  Adeline told me that it was not fun at all, but it was exciting because it was studying.

Reading some math books from the library and getting lots of counting practice.

Fishing at the beach (we rode our bikes down the beach to the river and then went up the river a little bit to do our fishing)

Crabbing and more fishing.

Rob made some really tasty crab cakes...and I don't usually like crab at all!

Jumping off of things.

Being silly with Daddy.

Playing in the backyard pool.  For some reason the kids like to go down the slide like this.  Its funny that they will go all the way under the water in our little pool, but are scared to death to do it in a real pool.

Rob took the kids outside one night to look at the full moon.  They loved playing with the binoculars and "sleeping" in the grass.

More fishing.  Bobby actually caught this flounder all by himself.  He kept saying "I caught a fish!  I caught a fish!" and we just kept saying "good for you, real it in" not thinking he really had anything on there, but Bobby proved us wrong and pulled in his first real fish!

Adeline caught this one.  Mostly, I held the pole until I felt a fish on and then let her real it in.  She wanted a picture with her fish just like Bobby.  And this was the fishing outfit she chose for the day...

Holding up a lady fish.  We catch a lot of these little guys for bait.  The kids love to "play" with them in the bate bucket until we cut them up.

Pulling in a crab.

More simple machine playing.  This is our lever and fulcrum experiment.

Trying to build a race track like the one in the book.  WAY harder than it looks.

The kids new favorite library book.  It actually has some really fun things to build, if only the kids were a little bit older and could actually do some of it themselves.

A sneak peak at Bobby's Halloween costume.  ($4 at the consignment store!  WooHoo!)  Bobby loves dragons lately and his favorite song is Puff the Magic Dragon.

Cooking club.  We experimented with basic chicken breast recipes and jazzed them up a bit.  My favorites were the mango chutney chicken, the sweet potatoes, and the herbed garlic bread!

Somehow we fit 11 people in my kitchen and were able to make 3 separate meals all at the same time!

More jumping off things at our informal pick up soccer practice.  Funny how jumping off this bench was the most organized thing the kids would do, and no adults were involved in setting up this "game."

This is a good example of how Adeline and Bobby spent the rest of soccer practice.  Maybe we'll wait a year or two before actually paying money to put the kids in organized sports...

Stringing beads onto pipe cleaners.  Fun fine motor skills practice while watching Netflix...

A morning at the beach with friends

Apparently I don't know how to make this picture right side up.  It seems like it would be such an easy fix and I just can't seem to do it in this program!  Oh well, This is a counting to 100 book.  Adeline can count to 40 on her own and then with some help, all the way to 100 as long as I help her with the tens number (50, 60, 70, etc).  I'm really impressed how she just picked this up one day and I could tell that the pattern just clicked for her and she could do it.

Visiting the fire station with the MOMS Club.

Backyard painting on wood.

One night Adeline was very excited to make us a salad.  She picked some herbs from the garden and wanted to make a salad out of them.  Luckily I was able to convince her to use real lettuce instead of just herbs and then she chose all the other normal (thank goodness) ingredients to add to it.  I helped her chop the vegetables and she was so proud of her salad.  Not proud enough to actually eat it (or even taste it) but Rob and I enjoyed ours, except for the big leaves of thai basil we kept finding in it that I wasn't able to pick out completely without Adeline noticing.

Adeline's to do list that she made before we had friends over for dinner.  Earlier in the day she had asked me how to spell pee, so I told her and she obviously remembered and put it on her list.  She is also very proud of the fact that she "learned" how to spell DVD all on her own, so that is how that made it onto the list.  I helped her spell clothes because that was actually the only thing I really needed her to do before company came over.

Another day of fishing. 

This crane let us get very close.  We fed it one of our bait fish and the kids loved watching it eat the fish and swallow it down its long neck.

Rob's monster red fish.  It was such a bittersweet catch because it was 10 inches bigger than the legal size to keep.  I LOVE to eat fresh red fish, so I was disappointed.  The kids wanted us to put in the the bait bucket so they could play with it!  It was an exciting fishing trip for all of us!

Bobby playing in the crabbing net.

Rob took Adeline to a service project with church while I stayed home with Bobby when he was sick.  Adeline got to help paint a little, but mostly just drew pictures.

A VERY windy day at the beach.

Adeline's sand pictures.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Homeschooling in Pictures

We didn't do any "formal" homeschooling this week, but here are some pictures of some of our activities this week that definitely count as homeschooling to me!
Adeline woke up on Saturday morning and somehow convinced Rob to let her make up her own recipe for a cake and bake it.  He convinced her to add the essentials (flour, eggs, baking powder, etc) to her idea of a cake made of sugar, oil, chocolate chips, craisins, and cereal crumbs.  After they baked it, they frosted it in a butterfly design.  I'm pretty sure Adeline can get Rob to let her do anything.  She is definitely daddy's little girl.  The cake wasn't terrible, but it wasn't good either.  The kids each ate 2 pieces though.

Another baking adventure.  This time we used a real recipe and made cookies.  Adeline has mastered cracking and egg all by herself, and Bobby isn't bad either, but still needs a little help.

Since Adeline always has grand ideas of things she wants to build, we decided to start teaching the kids some simple machines.  Here is our lever and fulcrum experiment.  The kids thought it was great that they could lift daddy off the ground all by themselves.

More simple machine practice with a very simple pulley.  You can't tell from the picture, but they have a basket with stuffed animals in it.  Its their animal elevator.

More animal elevators.  We're actually planning to make a real pulley system with the kids when we make curtains for the playhouse windows.

This was actually a couple weeks ago, but these tide pools were perfect for a lesson on landforms.  The kids learned the difference between a lake, a river, and island, and a peninsula.  Mostly we ran through the tide pools naming them "princess lake" or "ballerina island" and "the Bobby peninsula."  We also saw a few dolphins while were were there and talked about dorsal fins.

A trip to the park included an "adventure" in the forest.  The kids were most excited about finding this vine.  I guess it wasn't poisonous since they didn't break out in rashes, but I was slightly worried at first.  Maybe we (I) should have a little lesson on identifying poison ivy and poison oak and other plants you shouldn't touch.

The kids wanted to make clay one day so we made salt dough, baked it, and then painted it.  They loved it.

A few un-photographed things we did this week were more maze pages, Adeline learned to spell and write her name all by herself, Bobby has been learning to play baseball with Rob, Rob and Adeline diagramed atoms and talked a lot about planets and gravity, we've been reading a lot of books, practicing counting money (I have a feeling it will be a LONG time before they master this, but they always want to count money when we find coins around the house), lots of drawing and coloring, and a lot of time to just play.  So this is what homeschooling looked like at our house this week.