Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I just need a few minutes to vent, so here it comes!

I am so furious at parents who tell their kids that its okay to punch someone in the face at school if the other kid starts something with you.  Schools have rules for a reason and I don't care what your mom told you, you punch a kid at school, you have to suffer the consequences.  Then it makes me even more furious when the mom says "well, the other kid got what they deserved."  Frankly, both kids are going to get what they deserve, but what about the rest of us?  Did I deserve to have to take 20 minutes out of my lesson to break up/sort out this fight, another 10 minutes writing the whole incident up, plus another 25 minutes after school on the phone explaining the situation to the parents?  Did the other 20 kids in the room deserve to miss out on the fun lesson I planned because we ran out of time because I had to spend the previously mentioned time dealing with 2 kids who chose not to control themselves?  These kids have been searching for a reason to fight each other for weeks now. I just don't understand the glamour of a fight.  Why do they want to do it so bad?  But it makes me even more angry that they probably won't get in any trouble at home because their parents told them it was okay.  They are taught its okay now, and when they get older and the fights escalate to something bigger, do we, as law abiding tax payers, deserve to fork over the bill when they end up in jail?  After this whole incident a student asked me what I would do if someone punched me in the face.  Why would someone ever punch me in the face????   I'd like to think that no one has ever had any reason to punch me in the face!  These kids and parents need to stop focusing on what to do in a fight and start focusing on how not to get in a fight in the first place!  And this concludes my venting session.  On the positive side, I'll probably have a great workout this afternoon now.  I always do when I need to blow off steam!