Friday, July 24, 2009

Adeline Jane Egbert

Born July 22, 2009 11:45am  7lbs  19.5 in

DSC_0041 Our beautiful baby girl is here!  Of course, we are as thrilled as can be.  Here’s our story:

On Monday I could tell this pregnancy was getting close to the end and decided that we needed to pack our bags for the hospital, just in case.  We still thought we would have about another week, but it felt good to get ready.  I went to see my doctor Tuesday morning to make sure everything was going as planned and he sent me home saying everything was normal, just the usual signs of my body getting ready. 

Tuesday evening rolled around and I noticed that I was getting more and more uncomfortable.  By 9:00 pm I was having my first “real” contractions.  We started timing them and, sure enough, they were coming very regularly about every 6 or 7 minutes.  That’s when we really got into gear picking up the house, double checking our hospital bags, and calling our parents to put them on stand-by.  By midnight we called the hospital but the nurse said not to come in until the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and really strong.  So we got in bed hoping to get a little sleep (yeah right!).  By about 2:00am the contractions were hardly bearable and still very consistent at 6 minutes apart.  Rob got a little sleep (maybe 2 hours) while I suffered through horrible pain for the next 3 hours, every 5 minutes.  By 5:00am I could hardly take it anymore and we called the hospital again.  The nurse said we could come in and get checked, but if I wasn’t dilated enough yet they would send me home.  At this point I didn’t care, I just wanted to do something other than lay there counting contractions so we loaded up the car and got to the hospital about 5:45. 

We got settled in triage and the nurse checked everything and by this time I was dilated to 3cm so she let us stay!  I was SO glad we didn’t have to go back home, but she let us know that it would probably still be a long time before this baby came.  Once they got us admitted and into our room the nurse told me I could have the epidural whenever I wanted, so we went ahead and got that at about 8:00.  It went super smooth, and I hardly noticed him put it in.  Rob had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for that morning so I told him to go ahead and go to it since I would just be sleeping.  He left around 8:30.  The meds started working right away and I was so excited to finally be able to sleep!  With all the stuff the nurse had to do I finally dozed off around 9:00.  I think I got about 30-45 minutes of sleep when Rob got back.  The epidural had slowed my contractions down so the nurse had given me some potosin to get things going again.  She came back to check me at about 10:00.  When she checked, we were all surprised when she said I was 10cm and it was time to start pushing!  I was actually a little disappointed because I was hoping for about 2 more hours of sleep first!  I started pushing at about 10:25 and pushed for about 30 minutes to get this girl ready for the “real” pushing with the doctor.  We had to wait about 20 minutes for the doctor to get there and then started pushing again.  I pushed for him through 2 contractions and out popped our little girl!  I couldn’t believe how easy it was!  With the epidural, I couldn’t feel a thing. 

She’s a wonderful baby, sleeps pretty well and feeds pretty well (so far).  Everything went as smooth as can be.  My parents made it to the hospital about 30 minutes after she was born and have been helping out a ton.  We had lots of visitors at the hospital and have been on the phone/email/facebook trying to keep everyone up to date.  We came home this morning (Friday) and Rob and I both enjoyed a nice long nap while Nana and Papa took care of the little princess.  All in all, there were 2 stressful things about this whole situation: 1. making it through the miserable night of labor Tuesday night and 2. Not having a name picked out until the day after she was born!  We were back and forth on names so many times but finally decided on Adeline Jane.  We figured we will call her all sorts of nicknames like Addie, Addie-Jane, baby Jane, and Janey, so she will probably be thoroughly confused!  Whatever we call her, we are both so in love with her and of course think she is the most beautiful baby in the world.  She’s got Rob’s hair and my long tongue so we know she’s ours!  Enjoy the photos…there will be plenty more to come!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Baby Room!

Here’s photos of the baby room!  The only things that are not ready yet are the window treatment and 1more pillow.  I got the design for the room/bedding in my head months ago and its so fun to finally see it all put together!  My mom and I made the crib bedding and matching accessories.  Rob did a fantastic job with the beadboard and the painting (I was a good assistant, but he did most of the work!).  I think we did a pretty good job at making it a very girly room, even with all the blue!  Oh, and the big picture of Gob on the wall will be changed to a family picture once we get this little girl out of me!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Baby Shower Mania and Other Photos

Yeah, I know I just posted, but I figured it will be blog update day!  I’m not great at updating, but I’ll catch you up with this post.  Plus, I finally put my pictures on the computer, so I have a bunch to share!  Beware, this will be a really long post! 

First off, baby showers!  I have to say a huge thank you to everyone who has thrown me a baby shower over the past couple months!  You have all been so thoughtful and great and I appreciate your love and friendship so much! 

My first shower was a surprise shower that the kids at school threw me (thanks Susan and Sherry for helping them pull it off!).  They were so cute about it and surprised me one afternoon with presents, cupcakes, and balloons.  They were all so excited about it and that made it even more fun.  They stocked me up of cute outfits, bibs galore, and bottles and pacifiers.  I don’t have digital photos from this shower, so imagine it in your head :)

My second shower was that same day after school with the faculty and staff.  Thank you to Pam, Lori, and Shirley for putting this all together.  This was especially fun because it was a double shower with Kay (it was nice to share the spotlight!).  Thank you to everyone who was so generous and helped me stock up on all the essentials I will need.  It was also super fun to have ice cream as our refreshments because it was SUPER hot that day.  I don’t have photos from this shower either, but I promise, it was super cute.

My next shower was in Atlanta and was thrown by my mom and 2 of my sisters, Linzee and Andee.  If you know anything about my family, you know they love to entertain, and they did not let down.  The invitation said their would be lots of desserts with a side of lunch, but there was lots of lunch and lots of desserts, so I totally pigged out!  Here are some photos from this great shower.  Thanks to everyone who came and helped me ensure that this little girl will be very well dressed!


Me opening gifts


The dessert table…yes, that is chocolate cheesecake, chocolate cake, banana cream pies, chocolate and candy dipped frozen bananas, cookies, and chocolate mousse cups, and candies.  All homemade, except the candies.


The beautiful towel cake, made in the colors of the baby room…yes, my baby girl’s room is blue!  They even made one of the towels a cute little hooded towel!


The diaper wreath with cute little baby goodies on it.  That little pair of shoes is the only pair I have for this girl.  Do babies need shoes?  I couldn’t figure out if I needed to go out and buy baby shoes or not.  But these ones are definitely sassy!  I love them.

The next shower was more of a party for pregnant women.  You see, 4 of my close girlfriends from MSA (group for wives of medical students) are all preggers right now and we’re all due in the next couple months.  Well, actually, Hannah and Kristin already had their babies on July 1st, so technically, we’re not all pregnant anymore!  Anyway, the fantastic Jessica wanted to throw us a shower, but we felt a 5 person baby shower might get a little crazy, so she hosted a “breakfast for dinner baby party” for us.  We ate lots of good food and exchanged names so we just got a gift for one person instead of bringing 4 gifts to our own party!  It was so fun to sit around and talk pregnancy stuff and baby stuff (not that we need a party to do that because we do it all the time…Jessica will know everything about being pregnant by the time they decide to have kids!).  Anyway, here’s our pregnant ladies picture from the party.


Me (due end of July), Hannah…had baby Ellie last week, Lindsay (due in October, Jessica (our wonderful hostess), Paige (due in August), and Kristin…had baby Avery last week!

And my last shower, hosted by my dear friends Amanda and Tracie, was here in Augusta with friends from church.  This was also great because Rob’s mom was able to come down for the day to come to this shower.  Its great having them live closer now!  Amanda was amazing with this shower because she couldn’t have had more going on that week.  About a week before the shower, Tracie had to have unexpected back surgery, so Amanda had to put all the last minute things together on her own.  She also had her daughter in and out of the hospital for surgery that week as well.  With all that going on, she was still able to throw a beautiful shower.  Here are the photos from the shower.


The delicious food!  I especially loved all the fresh fruit! 


Me and my mother-in-law, Sherie


Opening gifts


The super cute diaper cake Amanda made.  This thing was LOADED with cute little goodies like rattles, pacifiers, spoons, toys, and of course, diapers!  It is lined with darling little blankets.

PS…don’t look at my ankles in these last photos…that was the first day I got majorly swollen ankles!  I have no idea why.  It was so sudden that we went to the grocery store to check my blood pressure to make sure nothing was wrong.  All is okay though, just the normal swollen pregnant woman feet.  I am spending much more time with my feet up now, though.  Also, exercising helps a lot too along with sleeping on my side (so hard for me to do!).  I hate my fat feet!

Now for the other random pictures…I told you it would be a long post!


Pregnant women picking strawberries…don’t ask me how we used to be able to squat down and pick them.  This was a couple months ago, so I can’t even imagine getting up and down that much right now.  I would probably go into labor….


Appreciation cakes we made with the girls at church.  The flowers are oreos with frosting for petals and candy leaves.  The ladybugs are my favorite part…red m&m’s with dots of frosting.  This is the sample cake Tracie and I decorated.  Here are some pictures of the girls and their cakes.

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Cleaning House

So right now we are in the process of moving the office stuff to the guest room and turning the old guest room into the baby room.  We have painted the baby room and hung beadboard, so naturally, we have had a huge mess in the house for the past week and a half.  The baby room is coming along beautifully (I promise to post pictures soon, I just want to have it all done before I take the photos), but the rest of the house is suffering miserably.  So I have a goal to clean up today in hopes that I can actually have room to move around again.  I also need to finish sewing a few things for the room and I have to make some room to even get to my sewing stuff!  And of course, that will make another huge mess.  But here is my cleaning problem…I always start with the easy stuff (today, it was the dishes).  The problem with starting with the easy stuff is that even though it is easy, I have still spent a whole bunch of time cleaning and then I never get to the hard stuff (cleaning and organizing the new office!).  Wish me luck, because if I don’t get a clean house soon, I’m going to go crazy!  I hate having a messy house almost as much as I hate cleaning.