Saturday, August 24, 2013

Educational iPad Apps

Let me just say to anyone who has kids who is considering buying an iPad, I highly recommend it.  My kids both love playing on it and as I'm starting to focus a little more on homeschooling, we're using it more and more.  Adeline has been addicted to the iPad since she was very little.  And Bobby would play it all day long if I let him.  So its important to me that the kids are doing educational games on it.  So here are a few that I've found recently that the kids love (and most are free or have a free version!)

Interactive Alphabet ABCs
This has baby mode, explore mode, and tracing mode.  Its great to learn the letters and the kids love it.  My favorite part is the letter tracing because it forces you to trace the letter the correct way.  I really hope it helps Adeline form her letters correctly, but Bobby really loves this game.

Reading Raven
This is great for learning letters, sounds, and small words.  I like that I can control the settings so I can keep it easy at first and then add harder skills in as the kids master the easier ones.  This is another app I got for Adeline that Bobby loves.  He really doesn't know his letters or letter sounds yet, but for some reason, he still loves this app.

Endless Alphabet
We got the free version of this app and I really don't see a need to buy the full one yet.  The free one keeps the kids entertained just fine.  It has a word (really good words like famished and pester and lopsided) and you have to match the letters up in the words and then it has a little animated definition of the word.  Its really cute and the kids love it.  It also has the letter sounds, so I highly recommend it.

Monster Physics
This game is a little advanced for the kids, but its so fun.  I could play this app for a while.  You build little machines and test them out.  You can add fun parts like motors and rockets and wings and magnets.  Then you test them out by changing the speed, thrust, and other parts the I don't even really understand and see if it will "go."  The kids like it, but I'm sure older kids would really learn a lot from it.  I might even splurge and pay the $0.99 to get the full app because I think its so fun.

Block Builder
Bobby LOVES this app.  You use blocks to build towers and then you can knock them down by pushing them or throwing balls at them.  You can choose different types of blocks and even add farm animals to your creation.  Bobby loves to "stack" the cows up and then "throw" balls at them to knock them down.  He laughs hysterically every time.

Who didn't love playing with the geoboards in elementary school.  You can use the small board or the big board.  Both kids really like this app.  It has no sound, so its a perfect game for the kids to play in church when they start getting wiggly and loud.  It has crashed on us a couple times, but its free, so I can't complain too much.

Splash Math Kindergarten
We got the free version of this and the paid version is really expensive.  With the free version I think you can only do so many math problems per day.  Bobby really likes this even though its a little over his head.  It is helping him practice his counting.  I like that you can make different players so Adeline can do hers in order and Bobby doesn't mess up her progress when he plays.

Motion Math: Wings
This is an app where you tilt the iPad to make a bird fly.  The point is to get the bird to fly to the bigger of 2 numbers.  It starts very basic with simple dots.  I think you have to pay for the harder levels, but we don't need those yet.  Adeline doesn't love the "video game" type games because she doesn't like the pressure of having to make a quick decision and move the iPad.  Bobby, of course, really likes it and I'm surprised at how good he actually is at it.

Kindergaten Addition
We got the free version of this one too and haven't really tried it out too much yet, but again, you can make different players and let them go at their own pace.  Adeline is interested in adding and so I think she'll like it.  Honestly, Bobby hogs the iPad most of the time so Adeline hasn't had as much time to explore the new apps I downloaded.

Toca Kitchen Monsters
This is one of my favorite apps.  Its just for fun.  You cook nasty food for the monsters.  You can chop the food, boil it, microwave it, blend it, add salt and pepper, etc.  Its just really cute and the kids like it.  We use this one at church a lot too.  We also have Toca House and Toca Band and the kids like those a lot too.  We got all these for free and I'm thinking about buying the Toca Store app too.

Please let me know what your kids' favorite educational apps are!

Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of School (kind of)

I have decided to homeschool the kids.  Some days I feel like I'm completely crazy.  And some days I feel like my kids are missing out.  But then I remember why I chose to do this and I'm okay again.  I was feeling kind of sad this morning as I checked facebook and saw all of the first day of school pictures of my friends kids.  I had already told Adeline we would start "school" today and so I decided I would pay extra careful attention to what we did today and document it so I can see that even though the kids aren't actually in (pre)school, they are still learning a ton!  So here is our day:

I wake up at 8:30 and panic a little because the kids haven't woken me up yet.  But then I hear Adeline in the kitchen and realize that is what woke me up.  She is eating the cereal I left out on the table for her last night so she could eat her breakfast without waking me up.  I check my emails and browse facebook before getting out of bed.  This is when I see all of the back to school pictures and feel a little sad that we are doing things differently.

8:45 I drag myself out of bed as Adeline goes on and on about a batter she wants to make with syrup and powdered sugar and cereal crumbs.  I go through about 5 different reasons in my head that I can give her for why we are not going to make that batter and then in the spirit of starting homeschooling, I say "okay, we'll see what we can do."

Adeline wakes Bobby up (aka unlocks his door so he can come downstairs.  I have no clue when he actually woke up) and we have cereal and bananas.  Adeline starts telling me everything she needs for her recipe and I help her pour her ingredients in.  Bobby finishes his cereal and wants to make a recipe too, so I help him.  Adeline wanted to add chocolate to her batter so I explained the difference between cocoa powder and chocolate chips.  She chooses cocoa powder so it can dissolve into her batter.  She decides to freeze hers and see if it turns into chocolate ice cream.  Bobby adds peanut butter to his and eats the whole thing.  I gag a little in my mouth because it looks disgusting.

Adeline sees a lizard on the screen door and we google it and find out it is a blue tailed skink.  She goes outside to try to catch it but it gets away.   She says she saw a snake behind the table outside and we discuss why it is not okay to crawl around looking for the snake. (We have seen copperheads in our neighborhood and saw a garter snake on the porch the other day.  Our neighbors saw a rattlesnake in their backyard, so I feel this lesson is very useful and productive).

We decide to release the 4 butterflies Rob and Bobby caught yesterday.  The kids stick their hands in the butterfly net one last time to let them crawl on their fingers and then we release them.  We see a huge grasshopper on the side of the house.  We try to find a black and yellow swallowtail butterfly that we saw flying in the yard earlier, but we can't find it.

Adeline starts asking when we are going to start "school."  I smile because I realize we've already done a science experiment, identified lizard species, observed butterflies and grasshoppers, and learned about snake safety and its only 10 am!  The only thing I had actually planned for school was a workbook page for Adeline and practicing letters with Bobby, but I know I can just wing it for everything else.

I take a first day of school picture.  They would not hold still, so its hard to read the sign.

I decide to print the kids some calendars to start our school and teach them about the days of the week and months of the year.  Something is wrong with the printer so we troubleshoot for about 10 minutes and finally figure it out and print our calendars.  Bobby loses interest in the calendar "lesson" after about 2 minutes but Adeline seems to enjoy it.  It is good for her to practice writing her numbers.  We practice letters a lot, but usually not numbers.  I let the kids put a sticker on today's date and that is the most exciting part for them.

Next comes play time and snack time.  Adeline draws on the white board and Bobby plays with his food.  Adeline thinks she needs a nap until the next lesson so she goes up to her room and pretends to sleep.  Bobby keeps asking "where's my Adeline?"  I use this time to type up our morning so far and then we start our next lesson.

I bought some workbooks for Adeline at Costco the other day and I'm really excited to start using them with her.  I downloaded some new educational apps for the ipad so Bobby plays those while I help Adeline with the first page in the Mazes book.  She did great.  The hardest part was having her write her name and date at the top, but its good practice having her write the letters small and fit them on a line.  After Adeline's "lesson" she gets to play ipad and I practice identifying letters with Bobby on the white board.  He likes to say "I don't know" when I ask him letters, even on ones I know he knows so we don't get very far.  He loses interest quickly and just wants to be silly, so I let him.  He's 2 and being silly is more important than knowing his letters.

After our lessons Bobby wants to have a dance party so I turn on some music.  Adeline requests Disney music and we dance around a little.  Then "A Whole New World" comes on and we all pretend to fly while we dance, and its a good chance for the kids to listen to the music and move their bodies to the music.  The next song that comes on is "Be Our Guest" and we decide it has a good rhythm for skipping so I try to teach the kids to skip.  They don't quite get it, but Adeline decides that galloping also fits with the music so she gallops while I skip and Bobby tries to skip, but mostly he just runs around.  A slow, calm song comes on so I decide its time to calm down and get comfy for some stories.

I read the kids 2 stories, and again, Adeline is interested, Bobby is not.  Then I tell them it is time for silent reading.  I put some very quiet classical music on and tell them to choose some books and get cozy.  I get my ipad and read my book.  Sometimes I let Adeline come downstairs during her quiet time and read silently with me, so she knows what to do and looks at a couple books quietly.  Bobby climbs on my back and tries to take Adeline's books and then plays tinker toys.  Maybe he'll catch on soon.  He makes silent reading time very difficult, so I only get through 3 pages in my book before I give up.

I look at the clock and I can't believe how fast the time went by.  Its already lunch time!  I make the kids some pb&j sandwiches, which Adeline requests I cut into circles.  They also eat a frozen gogurt and I make myself a black and blue salad with the leftover steak from our fajitas last night.  The kids play together nicely after lunch pretending to dress up the stuffed animals so I take a few minutes to sit down and type some more until the kids go for nap time (Bobby) and quiet time (Adeline) at 1.  Adeline is still in her pajamas and Bobby is just in a diaper.  Adeline likes to take her clothes off when she plays upstairs and Bobby's were gone a long time ago, so I don't see any point in getting them dressed yet.  At least not until we leave the house.  Sometimes I feel like my whole morning is just a big countdown until nap time, but I enjoyed playing with the kids and teaching them this morning.  Adeline says she wants to do school everyday, but I know thats not going to happen so I tell her we can do it a couple times a week.  We have a playdate at a pool tomorrow and they get to go play at Grandma Sherie's house on Wednesday, so maybe we'll do this again on Thursday.

Looking back at our morning, I realize that the kids definitely learned more doing the stuff I didn't plan ahead for, so I'm happy with how our morning went.  I'm not going to stress over homeschooling any certain way or with a specific curriculum yet, but just have fun with them like we did today.  I'm not worried about socialization too much either.  I plan to go to the gym this afternoon, so they'll get to interact with other kids at the child care there.  And now that the kids are quiet, I think I might change out of my pajamas and wash my face.  Well, at least I'll wash my face!  And then I can get back to reading my book!

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful.  I finished my book while the kids were napping (not really) and playing upstairs (Bobby is fighting his naps lately!  I'm not ready for 2 none napping kids yet!!).  Luckily they played together pretty well today.  I let them come back downstairs at 4 and then it was snacks and netflix shows for the kids.  Adeline did some drawing and they both played on the iPad some more.  Then it was off to the gym.  The kids love playing in the kids club and we met Rob there after work, so its a nice break for all of us.  After the gym we came home and the kids drew pictures with Rob and he helped them practice spelling their names while I made dinner (chicken picatta!).  By the time we finished dinner it was already 8:30 so the kids went straight to bed!  We usually have them in bed before 8!

So this ends my play-by-play of our first day of homeschooling.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Pasta with Mushroom Cream Sauce

I'm posting this mostly so I will have a link to it since it is a recipe I made up based on a couple other recipes and I love the way this turned out.  I made it once for my cooking club and again the other night.  I forgot how yummy it was and I want to have the recipe saved on the internet for my future reference!

Mushroom Cream Sauce
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup diced shallots
5 sage leaves
Salt and pepper, to taste
8 ounces portobello mushrooms, sliced
1 cup heavy cream
1/2-3/4 cup mushroom stock
1/2 leek, roughly chopped
baby arugula
Parmesan cheese

Melt butter in a saute pan over medium heat. Add mushrooms, shallots and sage. Season with salt and pepper. Cook 7 minutes until slightly softened. Pour in cream and 1/2 cup mushroom stock and heat slowly. When the sauce has reached a velvety smooth consistency, remove from stove. If sauce is too thick, add more stock to reach desired consistency.  Add pasta to sauce and stir in leek and arugula and cook until arugula wilts.  Serve with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


I realized that it is time for me to write down some things about our kids again so I can remember these cute stages and silly personalities forever.

Bobby is 2 1/2 years old.  He is just starting to talk a lot.  The only problem is that he is really hard to understand!  The fact that I can barely understand him doesn't slow him down.  I just respond by saying things like "oh really!?" and "I see" a lot.  He is at the stage where he asks "why?" all the time.  One time he hit his head on the counter and we heard him crying and saying "why?" to himself.  He also has his grumpy voice when he's not happy.  If I start singing him to wrong song at bedtime he starts into his grumpy voice and says "No Mommy!  Don't sing that song!" complete with mad eyebrows and everything.  Its hard not to laugh when he uses his grumpy voice.

Bobby is also the sweetest little boy.  He always wants to give hugs (and he even squeezes you tight when you hug him).  He gets so excited when Rob gets home from work.  Partly because this means he has someone he can "fight" with.  We have a rule that he's only allowed to hit, punch, or kick daddy and only when they're playing.  Bobby is always eager to get a chance to fight and just be a boy.  Don't be fooled by his size though.  This kid is solid and can cause some serious pain if you're not prepared!  Sometimes he just runs at you and slams his whole body into you.  He hasn't learned the concept of "gentle" yet.  But, if he gets hurt, he still just wants me or Rob to kiss it better.  It works to calm him down every time and he always shows us exactly where to kiss.  The only problem is when he bites his tongue and wants me to kiss it better.

Bobby is a good kid .  He doesn't do anything super naughty (yet).  He does love to torment his sister though.  Whenever he gets in trouble he says "I just be funny!" in the cutest little voice and we have to explain that teasing is only okay if both parties are laughing and having fun.  His usual punishment is to put his nose on the wall.  This works great for him.  If I don't specify where on the wall to put his nose, he chooses himself and sometimes ends up with his nose in the most awkward positions on the wall! (see picture below!)  This is also a good punishment when we're not at home because there is always a wall or a pole or something that he can put his nose on.  Its his public time out.  Even when he's being naughty in the car I can tell him to put his hand on his nose and he'll do it.  There's always a second punishment if he doesn't keep his nose on the wall, but it rarely gets to that.

For the most part, Bobby is a good eater.  He loves fruit and would eat it all day if I let him (as the main diaper changer in the house, I feel the need to restrict the amount of fruit he eats!)  Strawberries are probably his favorite food.  He also loves hot dogs, chicken nuggets, scrambled eggs, and anything sweet.

He likes to count but skips numbers a lot.  He can count to 20 but usually skips numbers 13-15.  Sometimes he skips a whole bunch of numbers and then other times he surprises us by counting perfectly.  He's not very interested in learning letters yet, but knows a few.  He pretends to write his name and is getting better at "drawing."  I asked him to draw a bubble the other day and he drew a shape that was not very circular then looked at it when he was done and said, as if he were surprised, "hey, that not a bubble!"

Bobby loves water.  He loves to swim in it, play in the bathtub, pour water from one container to another, splash in it, water the plants with the hose, squirt water guns, spray water in his hair, stir his cup of water with a fork or spoon, wash his hands, drink from the bathroom sink, blow bubbles in his drinks, and spill it!  We have to be very careful not to leave cups with even the littlest bit of water (or any drink for that matter) left in them or he is guaranteed to find a way to spill it.  One of his favorite things to do is sit outside with bowls and cups and squirt bottles and just play with water.

I think he also has an instinct to throw things.  He knows our rules that he is only allowed to throw bean bags, balls, and stuffed animals with no hard parts and he has had countless "nose on the wall" and other time outs for throwing things, but I think he almost can't help himself.  Sometimes he throws things without even thinking.  For instance, if he is finished with a toy he might absent-mindedly throw it over his shoulder.  Maybe he'll be a shot-putter, baseball or football player when he gets older.

He is just physical all around.  He has taught himself how to do a "flip" (summersault) and is always jumping off things!  I plan to put him in a gymnastics class this winter.

Bobby loves anything silly.  He is a very happy kid and laughs hysterically at the simplest silly things like tickles (or tee-toes, as he calls them), blowing raspberries on his belly, making a silly face, making a funny sound--if its remotely silly, he will love it!

Bobby doesn't love books like Adeline does and usually can't focus through a full story when we read them.  But he does love when we tell him stories that we make up.  Especially ones about dragons and a little boy named Bobby and girl named Adeline.  

Even though Bobby doesn't love when we read books together, he likes when a teacher read to a class.  I can see a definite difference between his personality and Adeline's in this.  Bobby likes being a part of a class.  He likes listening to teachers and participating in a lesson.  This is not Adeline's style!  We try to go to story time at the library and Bobby will sit and listen and participate.  Adeline, on the other hand has no interest in the lesson and would rather roll around on the floor, try to escape, or do her own thing.  I can see the conflict in Bobby when he sees her do these things because whatever she does, he does.  So he tries to copy Adeline and still participate in the lesson at the same time.  Needless to say, we are very disruptive in story time!

Bobby's very favorite thing in the world is his sister.  He loves Adeline so much and is her constant shadow.  He calls her "my Adeline."  The first thing he says every morning is "where my Adeline?"  After we visited family this summer I asked him who his favorite cousin was and his answer was Adeline.  I love that they are becoming best friends.

Bobby has me under his spell.  He could probably get away with just about anything and still somehow win me over in the process.  Sometimes he can be totally frustrating, but I can't help but love him to pieces.  I don't know if there is a more lovable kid out there.

Adeline is 4 years old.  She is destined for great things.  She is a visionary and a planner.  Her flow of ideas never stops, just as her explanation of those ideas never seems to end.  She is the queen of the verbal run-on sentence.  Sometimes it is exhausting listening to her tell me her plans because she has a never-ending stream of ideas that come to her while she's talking so she just keeps going.  She is the most imaginative kid I know and she doesn't quite understand the line between imaginary and realistic.  For example, she wants to plan a party for her friend the fairy queen and wants to invite everyone in the whole world.  The party will be in a big field by our house where our family will build the fairy queen a castle so everyone will have a place to stay at the party and we will fly there.  And she is fiercely serious about her plans.  Another one of her plans was to have a "scrub party" where we each have our own bathtub that is a different color and we dance in our bathtubs with bubbles.  She wanted to make the bathtubs and paint them with ink and feather quills.  She had a specific bathtub color chosen out for each member of our family.  I asked her how she planned to make a bathtub and she said with rocks and wood, so I gave her a bag and sent her to the backyard to collect rocks.  Thankfully she got distracted from the idea of making bathtubs, but not before she cleared most of the rocks out of the flowerbeds, so that was nice.  We have to find a delicate balance between encouraging her while breaking it to her that some things just aren't going to happen!

Adeline wants to be a scientist when she grows up so she can "study everything!"  This is very fitting for Adeline because she loves to learn about things and loves scientific stuff.  She is still fascinated by volcanoes.  She loves bugs and plants.  She always wants to know how different animals' hearts pump. She loves helping Rob save the seeds from flowers to plant later.  She likes to crack acorns open to see the seeds inside them.  She loves to bake and mix ingredients together.  She loves finding creatures at the beach.  She likes learning about space.  She loves to go on walks to "bug land."  I asked her if she wanted to start homeschooling and she requested that we do "science school" instead.

She is always looking for new girl friends to meet.  She's at the stage where she only wants to play with other girls, and Bobby.  She goes to the kids club at the gym 3 times a week lately and that is helping her get lots of practice meeting new kids.  She is always so excited when she makes a new friend, however, every time I pick her up she's either playing with Bobby or by herself.

Adeline loves to be "naked." (She keeps her underwear on!)  She has quiet time every afternoon while Bobby sleeps where she has to stay in her room.  Everyday she takes her clothes off to play.  I don't care though because its hot here and the less she wears her clothes, the less I have to wash them.  It is a little awkward when we have friends over and she says she wants to be play naked!  I would say that 3 out of 5 workdays Rob comes home to kids who have no clothes on.

Adeline is also very artistic.  She loves to draw, paint, color, and do anything crafty.  She is actually pretty good at it too!  She is really good at staying in the lines when she colors pages from her coloring books and she is pretty good at copying something if you draw it first for her.  I'm hoping to find an art class for her to take.  Her favorite things to draw right now are butterflies and flowers.

Adeline is a picky eater.  Dinner time is always stressful.  When I make a dinner for the family, I make her eat whatever I cook.  I don't want to get in the habit of letting her eat something different than the rest of us.  Her favorite food is fried chicken and she mostly just likes the crunchy skin.  She also loves to eat the chicken skin from rotisserie chicken as well.  She THINKS she loves dessert, so we bribe her with it a lot and that gets her to eat the food I made.  But when it comes time to eat the dessert, she usually just takes a couple bites and says she's full!  She definitely takes after Rob on that!  One thing she does love is cereal!

She loves to make up songs.  They never have any melody or tune but they are always entertaining.  Sometimes she sings words and sometimes she sings "la la la" through the whole song.  She always wants to teach us a song that she makes up and then have us sing it back to her.  This is a very challenging task!  She loves to dance to her songs and her dancing is usually ballet-like.  She dances with her eyebrows up, eyes half-closed and rolled up as if she is being as elegant as she can be.  She likes girly things like princesses, and fairies and ballerinas.

Adeline is a good kid and doesn't get in trouble very often.  She is usually on the receiving end of Bobby's torments.  When she does get in trouble, it's usually for not doing something she's been asked to do like to put shoes on or go potty or get dressed, basically anything that would require her to stop what she's already doing in order for us to get out the door.  Hence the reason we seem to always be late for everything!  Sometimes I think independence in kids is overrated.  I could put her shoes on for her and get her dressed in 1/10th of the time it takes her!  I think she is just too easily distracted.

We never had problems with Adeline sleeping when she was a baby.  She was a wonderful sleeper and was in her own room by the time she was 3 months old.  She slept through the night from an early age and she took great naps until about 2 1/2 years old and now takes maybe 1 nap a week.  She goes to bed between 7 and 8 most nights but now she has gotten into the habit of waking up in the night.  This freaked us out at first, but it is a nightly occurrence now, so we're used to it.  She comes downstairs between 12 and 3 every night and sometimes sleeps on the couch and sometimes tries to sneak into our bed.  We have a king size bed, so sometimes she is able to creep in without us knowing until we wake up to a foot in our face the next morning.  Sometimes we wake up in the middle of the night to Adeline staring at us next to the bed (creepy!) and we take her to the couch.  Its not sleep walking because she seems completely coherent when we ask her questions.  One night she said she just didn't want to sleep so she came downstairs to read some books.  I'm not completely sure what time she wakes up in the mornings because I have found that if I leave a box of cereal, a bowl, and a cup, and a coloring page on the table, she won't bother me until I'm ready to wake up myself.

Adeline loves to watch movies and her favorites are Disney movies.  Fantasia 2000 is still probably her favorite but she also loves Hercules and any princess movie.  We always play the movies on fast play and there must be an advertisement for Disney Parks on them.  One day Adeline told us that she wanted to go to the place where dreams came true.  We asked her where that was and she said "Disney Parks."  She's been watching too many Disney movies!  But seriously, I think she would absolutely love Disney World at this age, so hopefully we'll be able to take the kids sometime soon!

Adeline definitely keeps us on our toes and keeps us entertained, that's for sure!  She is so fun to talk to and we love her creative and fun personality.  She's growing up fast but she is still our sweet little girl.