Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 22: A photo that makes you happy

This is probably my favorite picture of Adeline.  I love the little face she is making!  I have this as my screen saver on my iPad and it makes me smile every time I turn it on.  She is our little angel.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 21: Your favorite television program(s)

I have a few…

#1 Arrested Development…I so wish this was still on TV, but alas, I’ll have to settle for watching it’s 3 seasons over and over and over again on netflix.  This is hands down, the funniest show I’ve ever seen.  We even named our dog after characters from the show : Gob Franklin Egbert.  He was almost named Gene Parmesan! (also from the show, for those of you non-watchers).

#2  Modern Family…oh Phil, you crack me up!

#3  The Office (early seasons)  I think they have really gone downhill in recent seasons

#4  30 Rock…another absolutely hilarious show

#5 The Soup…probably the only show I really miss watching by not having cable

#6 24…thank goodness the series is over.  We spent way to many hours glued to this show.  It was so addicting.

#7 Days of our Lives…stupidest show on TV…I didn’t think I’d get to see it anymore since we don’t have cable, but they have recently started showing full episodes on Hulu, so I have to watch :)

#8 Colbert Report…I go in cycles with this show.  It is so stinkin’ funny, but its a nightly show, so I’m happy just watching it every now and then.  But we don’t have cable right now, so we’ll see when I get to watch it again.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 20: A letter to someone that changed your life

Dear Jesus (the Mexican kid I taught in my first year of teaching, not Christ, who would also be good, but a little personal for this public forum),

I was so nervous when I walked into the first grade classroom on my first day of teaching.  I truly had no idea what I was doing.  The kindergarten teachers told me to watch out for because you had a habit of stealing stuff from the classroom.  So naturally, I had my eye on you from the very first day.  And you sure turned out to be a handful!  It turns out that, yes, you did steal things, like the pieces of our math games.  And when it came to reading, I was shocked to find out you only knew about 1/3 of the letters in the alphabet.  You could write your name and that was about the extent of your writing abilities.  Your English was pretty broken, plus all you wanted to do at school was play around.  Overall, you were a totally sweet kid, but you still caused me tons of grief that year! 

I learned a ton through teaching you and the other students in that first class.  I learned that disciplining was not my strong area.  I learned a lot about teaching students who don’t speak English as their first language and I learned a lot about Hispanic culture from meeting with you and your parents (with Rob or someone else translating, of course!).  I learned how much work it is to be a teacher.  I truly learned to teach someone how to read and write from the very beginning stages.  And I learned that I don’t like teaching school in most situations. 

I taught school for 4 more years after that first year, and every year I told myself I would not do it again.  But with a teaching degree, that was the best money I could make.  I learned so much over my 5 years of teaching, and I actually think I was a pretty decent teacher by the end of that time.  I finally figured out how to effectively discipline the students, I learned how to teach various ages, skill levels, personality types, and socio-economic statuses.  I learned a ton about managing a classroom full of 25+ kids.  Now that I am not working anymore, I do sometimes miss some of the aspects of teaching (I will never miss the disciplining or the parent teacher conferences or the grading or the long hours of extra stuff that gets dumped on teachers).  I know that all I have learned will be incredibly valuable to my family and that my skills will not be wasted.  While I would like to go back to work at some point, I do not want to go back to classroom teaching.  All of my experiences have pushed me to be ready to try new things.  Jesus, you were a big part of all of this and I will always remember you.  I will also always remember the T-shirt you brought me back as a gift when you went to California.  It is big on me, but Rob still wears it sometimes.  I always think of you when I see him wear it.  Thank you for all you taught me in that short little year and good luck in your future!


Mrs. Egbert  

rob and kids 

May 4, 2004

This picture was taken at the Salt Lake Zoo.  Rob was chaperoning on our field trip.  Jesus is the kid in the middle.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Day 19: Whatever tickles your fancy

Photos from Adeline’s first birthday:

These first photos were taken in Atlanta when I went to visit.  This was b-day party #1.  I made spaghetti and meatball cupcakes in honor of Adeline’s favorite food, spaghetti!  The “meatballs” were made out of crushed up oreos and cream cheese rolled in melted raspberry jam.  Yummy!

45927_1499543281288_1015332556_31397877_3460228_n 44321_1499544241312_1015332556_31397894_4191594_n 41040_1499544481318_1015332556_31397897_1091680_n   41040_1499544601321_1015332556_31397900_5737614_nAdeline got a baby doll from Aunt Linzee and she has just learned to give it hugs.  It is probably one of the cutest things I have ever seen.  I’ll have to get a picture of that and post it one of these days. 44321_1499543961305_1015332556_31397887_7749480_n

This next picture is Nana and Adeline getting free b-day brownies!


Next are a couple pictures from her actual b-day at home.  We had some friends over for pasta with spicy Italian sausage (Adeline just loves her Italian food) and brownies.  Surprisingly, Adeline doesn’t love the desserts.  She only at a little bit of her birthday cupcake and brownie.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Day 18: Set or share a goal

Here are a few of my goals:

Have Adeline’s Baby Book completed and sent to the printer by Sept. 15.  I hope I can finish it all by then! 

Sell our house in North Augusta.  Yes, we were under contract for about 2 months and it fell through!!!  The buyer was preapproved for the loan and everything.  We had the inspection, the appraisal, and everything out of the way.  The bank kept giving us closing dates and then coming up with some excuse why we couldn’t do it that day.  We never knew until the day of that they wouldn’t be able to do it.  Then about a week or so ago the buyer called us in tears saying that she wouldn’t be able to get the financing!  We kept the earnest money, but now we have lowered the price, missed the prime selling time, and listed with a realtor, fully aware that we will just have to suck it up and lose a ton of money on the house!  What a bummer!  But at least now its in the realtor’s hands, and we just have to do a few things and try not to worry too much about it.  After all this, I am seriously considering renting for the time we are in Charleston.  Selling a house is no fun and especially hard when you don’t live in it! We might consider renting if it doesn’t sell in the next few months, but I’m still hoping for a sale.

Travel to all countries that touch the Mediterranean.  I don’t even know all the countries that touch it, but that area of the world just seems cool to me.  I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, but a few things hold me back…money, time, unrest in that region of the world, etc.  But one day after all this residency stuff is out of the way, I’ll make it.  It may have to be a few separate trips because I don’t want to rush through any of it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 17: A photo that makes you sad

Depressing topic for today…It was actually kind of hard to figure out what to post for today, but this is what came to mind.  I always find it interesting to hear people’s stories of where they were of what they were doing during historical events.  And since this is the biggest historical event that I can actually remember during my lifetime, I will document it here.

I remember September 11, 2001 very well.  I was at BYU and I worked the early morning cleaning shift in the Smith Family Living Center (4am-7:30am).  I went to work as usual, scrubbed bathrooms all morning and was just checking out with the boss before leaving.  He had the radio on and told me to listen in the car on the way home.  The first tower had just been hit as I was headed home and I didn’t really understand the horror of it all from the radio, but I could tell it was something big.  When I got home I immediately turned on the TV and was glued to it the rest of the morning.  I remember my roommate came out to yell at me for having the TV on so early and when she saw what was happening quickly apologized and sat there in stunned silence with me.  The part I remember the most was watching the second tower get hit, live on TV.  My roommate and I looked at each other and wondered if that just really happened.  We watched the towers fall, heard the reports of people jumping out the windows, saw footage of people running down the streets, etc.  I’m sure you’ve seen the footage too, as it was played and replayed over and over.  But there was something especially frightening to see it happen live.  Later in the day when I had to go to class I saw that TV screens and projectors were set up all over campus with the news footage.  We couldn’t pull ourselves away from the TV’s.  We were all just waiting for something else to happen.  Even though I was so far away from the whole thing, this is a day I will never forget.  It is a day I will tell my kids about and my grandkids about.   

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 16: Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes

This is going to be a good post :)

#1 Daniel Craig


#2 Bard Pitt…come on, who doesn’t have a crush on him?

Ocean Twelve European Photocall Premiere Party 4dpHUOk1_ASl

#3 Kate Beckinsale…I’m not a lesbian, but if I were…


#4 I used to have a big celebrity crush on Josh Hartnett…yeah, he’s still pretty hot


#5 James Scott…so I just figured out his real name as I was looking for his picture…better known as EJ Dimera on Days of Our Lives.  Now you know why I watch that show every day :)  Plus, he’s British, so he has that nice accent.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 15: A letter to someone you wish you could meet

Dear Bill Cosby,

I have wanted to meet you for some time now.  I used to love watching The Cosby Show growing up and I greatly admire your talent.  I also loved watching “Kids Say the Darndest Things.”  You just seem to have a way with people. Your shows always make me laugh.  I greatly respect your views on parenting and education.    You are an entertainer that people can actually look up to and I’m glad you’re not dead.


Haley Egbert

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 14: A song from your childhood

These are the songs I remember me and my sisters making up dances to, video taping said dances, and singing on camera.  Unfortunately for you, I don’t have those home videos to post, but believe me, they are hilarious!  I have put a few youtube videos for those who want to get a blast from the past!

Cold Hearted Snake, Straight Up, Forever Your Girl, etc.  Paula Abdul (I had the tape)

Locomotion, Kylie Minogue


Heaven is a Place on Earth, Belinda Carlisle

The Rose, Wind Beneath My Wings, The Glory of Love, and From a Distance by Bette Midler (I also had this tape)

I remember one of my favorite things to do as a kid was to sit by the radio on new year’s day and listen to the top 100 songs of the previous year with my fingers on the “record” and “stop” buttons of my tape player.  We would record songs all day long.  Did anyone else do this too, or was it just my sisters and I?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 13: Whatever tickles your fancy

A quick update and then some digital scrapbooking to show off (I’ve been totally addicted the past week or so and want to show off my mad skills…hahaha).


Adeline turned 1 a month ago and is learning tons of new things.  She is babbling up a storm and trying so hard to communicate.  Unfortunately, she LOVES TV and my iPad!  She finds the remote and holds it up to the TV and starts laughing and squealing, waiting for it to turn on.  She also sometimes just looks up at the TV then back at us, then back to the TV, all with a big smile on her face.  That’s her way of telling us she wants a show.  And I can’t even use my iPad when she’s in the room or else there will be a big tantrum unless she gets to play on it.  She has 10 teeth now!  She just got 2 molars in at the same time!  The poor little thing is still having trouble chewing and swallowing food because of it.

I am now 23 weeks pregnant.  This boy is starting to move more and more.  I have been spending a ton of time lately working on Adeline and Bobby’s baby books.  I have also been swimming at the gym a couple times a week and loving that. 

Rob just finished up his medicine month of internship (Hallelujah!) and is starting surgery tomorrow.  Usually surgery would be a hard month, but it is an elective here, so he shouldn’t have to be on call or work any weekends, so we look forward to a more relaxing month to come!  After doing this past month of medicine, Rob is more excited than ever to get to radiology next year!  Only one more medicine rotation left!

Digital Scrapbooking Samples:

Here are a few pages that I’ve made for the baby books that I’m especially proud of.  I have been learning to do fancier and fancier stuff on the computer using Adobe programs and can’t wait to get Adeline’s book finished and printed!

page 2 page 24 page 2 page 27 page 3 page 6 pdf

And here are a couple page spreads from Bobby’s ABC book.  I plan to put pregnancy pictures in for the “Anticipation” page and the ultrasound pics in for the “Boy” page.

Baby Bobby_Page_1 Baby Bobby_Page_2 Baby Bobby_Page_5 Baby Bobby_Page_6

You can click on each photo if you want to see the details up close.  I love the little tiny details!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day 12: Self portrait…not really

I am really not in the mood to do this one today, so instead, I wanted to share a picture of the quilt I’ve been making for Adeline.  I finally finished it after lots and lots of hours of work.  I used scraps from all of the baby dresses that I made her.  I thought it would be a nice keepsake for her.  It was supposed to be her birthday present, but I’m a month late.  I hand quilted it, which wasn’t as horrible as I thought it would be.  It was kinda relaxing to sit and watch tv or listen to an audio book while I quilted away.  I’m no expert quilter or anything close to it, so it’s really good that you can’t see anything too close up…it has character.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Day 11: Share your favorite recipe(s)

Chocolate Cappuccino Cheesecake…Best dessert EVER!!!  I don’t like strong coffee flavors, but the coffee in this recipe just makes the chocolate that much chocolatier.  I don’t put the coffee liqueur in the whipped topping, I put vanilla instead (like I said, I don’t like strong coffee flavors) but I do put it in the cheesecake part.  Soooooooo delicious and worth the effort!


Other recipes I love:

Bruschetta:DSC_0003 (3)

**the amounts are approximate.  We never measure any of it.

4 roma tomatoes, seeded and diced (if you don’t get the seeds out, it will get very runny and juicy and make the bread soggier)
1-2 cloves of garlic, very finely chopped
1/4 of a red onion, finely diced(I really have no idea on the amount here!  Do whatever you like...the more onion, the worse your breath will be:)
6+ basil leaves (I always think the more basil, the more yummy!)
Olive oil to coat everything
Salt and pepper (we usually put the salt on as we go.  If you put it on the whole mixture before you're ready to eat it, it will take all the juices out of the tomatoes and make it soggy.  But don't forget the salt, because it really adds!)

We usually butter (or brush with olive oil) some bread (Italian bread, French bread, artisan bread, etc…) and put it under the broiler to crisp up.  Sometimes I put garlic salt on the bread, depending on how much garlic I put in the actual mixture.

Spoon the bruschetta onto the bread right before you eat it and enjoy!

Lemon Spaghetti:  This is one of my favorites (not a favorite of Rob’s, but he likes it.  I think it is a little too lemony for his tastes).  It is very fresh and easy.  It would be good with some grilled chicken on it too.  I think it would probably even be good cold as a pasta salad type thing—I’ve never tried that, though.


Loin of Pork with Fennel and Garlic:  This is incredible!  I just use a regular old pork loin (no bones or anything fancy) with this.  It is an Ina Garten recipe and I love it with her homemade applesauce (perfect fall recipe when apples are in season).


Homemade Applesauce:


I posted some other favorite recipes a while back too, if you’re interested.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 10: A letter to a person who has caused you pain

Dear Adeline,

Would you please learn to do the following things:

Walk, stop doing something when I tell you “no”, and come to me when I say “come here”

It is starting to cause me physical pain to have to pick you up 50 billion times a day.  I am getting bigger in the belly area and bending over to lift you is making me have a sore back.  I try to remember to “lift with my legs and not with my back,” but its faster to just bend over and scoop you up.  I love you, but you are causing me pain.  Plus, you are kinda heavy to carry around.  If you would just learn the previously mentioned items, it would help me a lot.



Day 9: List some of your favorite blogs

I usually only read blogs of friends and family, so if you are reading this and have a blog (that I know about), then yours is most likely one of my favorites.  If I haven’t ever commented, I may not know about it, so send me a link so I can add you to my reader.

One blog that I have been to recently is for digital scrapbooking.  http://www.theshabbyshoppe.com/blog/ 

They have some good ideas for layouts and there are sometimes some free downloads too.  I’ve been going to it a lot for inspiration in finishing up Adeline’s baby book and getting started on Baby Bobby’s baby book.  I’m making his an ABC book and I’m making templates for the pages now so that once he’s born, I can just add the photos in.  I figure that this way, his will get finished by his first birthday (that was my goal with Adeline…oops).  I’ll post some samples of the cute pages I’ve done soon!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 8: A photo of you taken recently

So I tried to find some pics to show that I actually look pregnant.  I made Rob take this one tonight, but I look nasty because it was at the end of our walk and I was sweaty and tired (this humidity is terrible!).  I don’t like pictures of me when I’m pregnant, so don’t expect to see many more any time soon.

photo_4This next one is from a trip to the beach a couple weeks ago.  I think its about time for me to go buy a maternity swimsuit.  Especially since I have been swimming a lot at them gym.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 7: A youtube video you find funny

A classic…I don’t really watch youtube that often, but this never gets old!

Day 6: A list of what you ate today

Breakfast: small bowl of honey nut cheerios, large glass of chocolate milk (I must have my chocolate milk every morning!), a few bites of Adeline’s banana, and a couple cinnamon rolls (the little pillsbury kind).  Don’t judge me, I’m pregnant.  And I really like breakfast…

Snack: a few peanut m&m’s at church

Lunch: ramen noodles-pork flavor (I actually love them!  I always have), and a few bites of my cake contest winning red velvet cake!  Plus 2 tall glasses of water.

Dinner: Chipotle chicken tacos (thank you Rob for actually making something healthy for me to eat today!) and a half a graham cracker.

I feel like I ate pretty junky today compared to how I have been eating this past week.  Of course this blog post came on my day of weakness!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 5: A letter to your crush

So based on today’s post, I’m guessing this list was probably made up by some 12 year old girl.  I’ll play along anyway and write a letter to my first real crush (probably when I was about 12 years old).  I probably had other crushes when I was younger, but this was the first crush I remember writing in my diary about.  Be prepared, this might be some juicy stuff!

Dear Spencer,

I used to think you were the cutest boy that ever walked the planet.  I remember seeing you in my Sunday School class and was immediately struck by cupid’s arrow.  You had that long hair, parted down the middle that just made the girls swoon.  Looking back, I think it was probably super greasy and grungy looking, but I guess that didn’t matter to me back then.  I remember that you were slightly mysterious.  I guess I found you intriguing!  You didn’t hang out with the other boys at church and I don’t even know what school you went to.  You probably don’t even remember me because I was so shy.  We might have exchanged a few words in the year I knew you, but I’m not even sure about that.  But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t obsessed.  I would fantasize about holding hands with you (I  know, this is getting a little hot!) and you smiling at me or saying hi to me in the hall.  I remember that I thought you had the cutest smile.  I wonder where you are now.  I guess you must have moved away pretty soon after I met you because I don’t recall ever seeing you around much.  I hope you are enjoying a great life and I hope you learned to shampoo that dreamy hair of yours.

Your 12 year old crush,


Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 4: A photo of you taken over 10 years ago



A scan of an old scrapbook page from my 4th birthday.  Apparently, I got a tricycle and a cabbage patch doll.   I also just realized that I don’t have very many pictures on my computer from more than 10 years ago.  I gotta figure out where they are all stored!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 3: Your Favorite Movie

I have lots of favorites.  Here are the ones I can think of right away in no particular order:


Best in Show

The Sum of All Fears

The Count of Monte Cristo

Casino Royale

Sleeping Beauty


The Sixth Sense

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 2: A bulleted list of everything that happened in your day

-8:00 wake up.  Adeline let me sleep in!

-8:10-8:30 eat breakfast

-9:05 go to the gym, drop Adeline off at the child care, hurry back to the pool.  I only scheduled an hour of child care, so if I want to get my whole workout in, plus a shower, then I have to hurry.

-9:10 get to the pool and realize that all 3 lap lanes are full, plus one guy is already waiting for a lane.  Plus, the old ladies in the water aerobics are taking up the rest of the pool.  There are a ton of them today!  And to make things worse, the class is so big that they have to take away one of the lap lanes, making people who were already swimming have to get out and wait for people to finish in the 2 lanes that are left.

-9:30 a lane finally opens up for me and I start swimming my heart out, knowing I have 15 minutes to swim if I want to have time to shower before picking up Adeline.

-9:45 rush to get a shower before the aqua class gets over (at 9:55) so I don’t have to wait for all the old ladies.  Apparently, many of the old ladies left the class early and all the showers were full except for the sit down one (gross!).  I had to use that one which is not meant for showering while standing but I made do in the 2 square foot area that you could stand in and took a speedy shower.

-10:00 picked up Adeline just in time.

-10:30 put Adeline down for a nap

-11:00 She finally stops whining and falls asleep (she’s cutting a molar right now and it is causing some problems when its time to go to sleep.)

11:00-1:00 relax!  Its been a pretty crazy morning already.  I mostly just surfed the internet.

1:00-1:30 lunch and doing dishes

2:00-3:00 grocery shopping

3:00-3:30 Put Adeline in the pack and play and turned on the movie “Bolt” so I could get the groceries in the house and put away.  I don’t know who was more interested in the movie, Adeline or Gob.  Gob really liked watching the cartoon dog.

4:00 Put Adeline down for a quick nap.  She had a different idea and screamed for a half hour before I gave in and got her out of bed.

4:30-5:30 Tried to play with a fussy kid. 

5:30 Rob comes home, I start making dinner and Adeline keeps whining.

6:00 feed Adeline while finishing up dinner

6:30 eat dinner

7:00 Rob, Gob, Adeline, and I go on a short walk

7:15 Rob puts Adeline to bed while I veg on the couch.  I’m exhausted!  I read some of my book while Rob surfs the internet.

8:00 I am typing up this list.  Rob and I will probably play a game tonight then watch some Hulu or Netflix (we don’t have cable).  I predict we will both go to bed early tonight because we have both had a long day!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

50 Days of Blogging

Thanks for the inspiration Hannah.  I thought this would be a fun list of blogs to post that don’t all center around Adeline or the pregnancy.  I’m sure I’ll mention them along the way, but this will be something different.  Hope you enjoy, and if you’re reading this, I hope you try it too, because I love reading other people’s blogs!

Day 1: Introduce yourself
Day 2: A bulleted list of everything that happened in your day
Day 3: Your favorite movie
Day 4: A photo of you taken over 10 years ago
Day 5: A letter to your crush
Day 6: A list of what you ate today
Day 7: A youtube video you find funny
Day 8: A photo of you taken recently
Day 9: List some of your favorite blogs
Day 10: A letter to a person who has caused you pain
Day 11: Share your favorite recipe(s)
Day 12: Self portrait
Day 13: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 14: A song from your childhood
Day 15: A letter to someone you wish you could meet
Day 16: Provide pictures of 5 celebrity crushes
Day 17: A photo that makes you sad
Day 18: Set or share a goal
Day 19: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 20: A letter to someone that changed your life
Day 21: Your favorite television program
Day 22: A photo that makes you happy
Day 23: Share one of your favorite tunes
Day 24: Time to face morph (I have no idea what this means...??)
Day 25: Someone you judged by their first impression
Day 26: Favorite books
Day 27: A talent of yours
Day 28: Favorite places to shop
Day 29: Your favorite color
Day 30: The friendliest person you knew for only 1 day
Day 31: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 32: A photo you took
Day 33: What you're craving right now
Day 34: Your favorite quote
Day 35: A letter to an ex
Day 36: Some hobbies of yours
Day 37: A song that you like to dance to
Day 38: A photo of your parents
Day 39: Zodiac sign and do you think it fits your personality
Day 40: A deceased person you wish you could talk to
Day 41: Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 42: A bad habit you have
Day 43: A picture of your favorite place in the world
Day 44: Something that fascinates you and why
Day 45: A letter to yourself a year ago
Day 46: Photos of personal things in your life (pets, family, house, etc)
Day 47: Birthday wish list
Day 48: A photo of you right now
Day 49: Hopes, dreams, and plans for the next 365 days
Day 50: A letter to your reflection in the mirror


Day 1: Introduce yourself

My name is Haley.  I am 28 years old (yeah, I had to think about that before writing it).  I am married to Rob, the love of my life and we have a beautiful daughter, Adeline, the sweetest dog ever, Gob, and we’re pregnant with a little boy who is due in December.  I am a “retired” elementary school teacher of 5 years and I now stay at home with Adeline.   I grew up in Marietta, GA, but moved to Utah for college where I graduated from Brigham Young University in 2004.  Rob and I got married in 2002 and we moved back to GA after graduating from BYU.  Rob attended med school at MCG and graduated this spring.  He is now a physician doing his intern year of residency in Newport News, VA.  He starts his radiology residency next July in Charleston, SC.  We are looking forward to living in Charleston, and glad that we’ll still be close to the beach. 

I enjoy reading, cooking (let’s be honest, I love eating even more), playing stupid games on my iPad (they are so addicting!), digital scrapbooking and video editing, traveling, swimming, sewing, and learning (especially about nerdy things like astronomy and how things work/are made).  I also love shopping and eating out (two things which I am having to use a lot of self control with lately).  I would love to go back to school someday and get a master’s degree (not even sure what field I would want it in yet!).  I would also love to go to culinary school…maybe in Charleston :)

Monday, August 2, 2010

So, I Might Have Gained a Few Pounds Since Moving to Virginia…

But its the good kind of weight gain!  Rob and I are expecting our 2nd child on Dec. 19, 2010.  (If you look closely, you’ll see my little baby bump…This was taken about a week ago though, and I feel like the bump is bigger than it looks here!)


Yeah, I know I took my time in making this announcement, but I had a reason (whether or not you think my reason is crap is up to you, but I’m the pregnant one, so I got to call the shots on this one).  I was hoping that by not telling many people, the pregnancy would go by faster.  (Which it has, so far…but that also might be because I am chasing around a 1 year old all day and have hardly any time to remember that I’m preggo).  Then it just turned into a game to see how long I could go without telling people.  I hate being pregnant, and I also don’t like getting all the questions that come with it, so now I can just take care of all of your questions at once….you know, the questions like:

Have you been sick? **not really.  I didn’t get sick with Adeline much either.  I was getting some pretty nasty headaches, but those have seemed to die down.

When are you due? **Like I said before, Dec. 19

How long have you known? **Probably since mid April, I don’t remember exactly.  Yeah, I know, I’m good at keeping a secret!

Was it a surprise? **Surprisingly, no!  We wanted our kids to be close in age.  We were a little surprised when we got pregnant the first month trying though (it took a little longer to get pregnant the first time).

Are you crazy?  **Yes.  When we got pregnant, Adeline was still not even really crawling.  She was so well behaved back then.  Now she is into everything and super needy for attention ALL THE TIME!  I think to myself multiple times a day “How am I ever going to handle 2 of them???”  Adeline and this new baby will be 17 months apart (but still 2 years apart in school…weird how that works out).

Do you know if its a boy or girl yet? **YES!!  We found out today we are having a boy!  We plan to give him the family name, Robert.  We’ll call him Bobby though!  Now to come up with a middle name.

So here are my apologies to anyone who feels out of the loop on this one.  We did tell our families a couple months ago and the few people we know here in Newport News (I couldn’t really hide it from people who have seen me in the past month).  Rob and I are both excited to meet this little guy!