Sunday, March 15, 2009

Half-Way Update

Well, I am officially 1/2 way through my pregnancy.  I am 20 weeks and starting to show!  Luckily, it's been a pretty easy pregnancy so far, my biggest complaint being these dang headaches!  Although I feel like I am getting huge, I know other people don't notice it as much as I do.  So Rob took some pictures of the little baby bump this weekend with his new studio equipment, and here are some of the photos.  I had to touch them up myself, since Rob had to head back to work, so they may actually be nicer once he can fix them up the right way!  I am very uncomfortable being Rob's model, but I think we got a few good shots out of the 400 he took!  We find out the sex of the baby on the 31st of this month, and I can't wait!  I'll keep you all updated as the big day gets closer.

haley touched up copy 1 haley touched up copy 2 haley touched up copy 3 haley touched up copy 4 haley and gob touched up copy 1 This last picture is me practicing holding a baby.  Gob does not like me practicing on him!  Hopefully the baby won't be as squirmy as Gob!