Saturday, December 29, 2012

Top 10 from 2012

 Top 10 Egbert Moments of 2012

A quick update before getting to the good stuff:  Bobby turned 2 this December and hit the “terrible twos” right on cue.  Adeline turned 3 this summer and is just starting to get more independent.  I regretfully joined Rob in the 30-35 age group this year.   And Rob started his 2nd year of radiology residency this summer.  We absolutely love living in Charleston and welcome visitors any time!
10.  Watching Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 eight hundred times. (Adeline and Bobby’s favorite movies)

9.  I can’t believe we’ve made it this long without cutting Bobby’s hair!  We love our little hippie. We’ll see if that hair makes it to 2013…

8. Adeline has a very vivid imagination and one morning kept talking about wanting to fly to the store. Later that day when it was time to get in the car to run errands she asked me to put her on the roof of the car so she could fly.  When I told her that she can’t really fly she burst into tears and sobbed “but Mommy, I promise I’ll be really careful!”

7.  Rob finally mastered the art of baking sourdough bread.  After years of nasty tasting bricks, the bread finally has a nice sour flavor, rises perfectly and has a fantastic texture.  Talk to Rob if you want to know his secrets!

6.  I have started a business working with the doctors who created Proactiv in their new venture, Rodan and Fields Dermatologists.  They are now in the anti-age skin care market and I LOVE trying out all of the fabulous products.  I work part time from home and am grateful to have something that makes me feel professional, even if I’m working in my jammies with kid snot on my shoulders!

5.  Bobby has finally learned how to use the word “no” correctly.  At the beginning of the year, he used the word no to mean either “yes” or “no.”  This has been a struggle for us, but he finally has incorporated yes into his extensively limited vocabulary.  Oh, and he still favors “no.”

4.  Adeline started dance class this fall and she absolutely loves its.  At “parents watch” day last week, we were happy to see our money well spent as 90% of the time Adeline was either laying on the ground or crawling around the room or running around squealing while the other kids were dancing.  Her spring recital should be very interesting…

3.  We met some random people who live about a mile down the road who volunteered to let us garden a large plot of their land in exchange for clearing and prepping the land for them for next year.  It was great, at first. Then the hot month of July happened and Rob was on call all month. Left to their own, the garden quickly became a battle between squash, melon, tomatoes and peppers. The winner? Last time we checked, sweet potatoes. No contest.

2.  I started a cooking club with some women from church and it has been a big success and so much fun. It’s been fun to teach a few classes myself and also to learn from some very talented people.  We’ve learned how to cut up whole chickens, make Japanese food, make authentic tamales, bake bread, cook with pumpkin, make a Thanksgiving feast, and even had our own version of cupcake wars!

1.  We celebrated our 10-year wedding anniversary in Tulum, Mexico this year.  The beaches were absolutely incredible, and just our style.  We had big plans to do all kinds of adventurous activities, but quickly realized that there is something to be said for sleeping on the beach all day when you’re on vacation without your kids!  (PS…thanks mom and dad for watching our kids for the week!)

We have made some great memories in 2012 and look forward to making even better ones in the New Year.  It has been so much fun seeing everyone’s Christmas pictures and reading your letters and we hope to stay in touch for years to come!

Rob, Haley, Adeline and Bobby