Tuesday, May 22, 2012


First off, let me say that I love that you all (whoever you are) read my blog.  Thank you for finding my life interesting enough to keep up with.  I use this blog as a small journal of our lives.  Sometimes I feel like I'm just bragging about how funny and cute my kids are (which I am) but I'm doing it more for my own record (and for grandparents) than for your reading pleasure, so if you get bored of these posts, I understand.  I like reading these type of posts from my friends, but I know not everyone does.  But I'm still going to keep writing them :)

So here's a little bit about our life these days..

Rob is doing his interventional radiology (IR) rotation right now and is loving it!  He actually gets to do procedures (surgery type stuff) and isn't behind a computer in a dark room all day.  Not that he doesn't like the regular radiology stuff, but according to him, IR is really cool.  He only gets one rotation through IR each year, so it will be a while before he gets to do it again.  He is also doing a ton of studying lately.  Rob and his dad have been working on a HUGE garden plot as well that I'll post about soon.  I will also post all of the handy projects he's done around the house too (building Adeline a bed, making a playhouse out of an unfinished closet, making bookshelves, etc...my man does it all!)

I am having a blast organizing a cooking club with some of the ladies from church.  We have had 2 classes so far.  I taught the first one on trussing and cooking a whole chicken and cutting up a whole chicken.  Then another lady taught us all kinds of bread recipes.  Next week we're learning how to make Japanese food!  I have also been reading a few books on homeschooling and we have pretty much decided that is the route we'll end up taking with our kids.  I'll have to post about that later too.

Adeline is hilarious as always.  She has some new favorites lately, so here they are:

Favorite TV show: Go Diego Go--she LOVES Diego.  Its a full on preteen girl/Justin Beiber type crush.  You should see the way she gets so excited when Rob talks to her in Spanish, "just like Du-wego!"  When we eat Mexican food, its "Du-wego food" and everything she sees she says is "just like on the Du-wego show."

Favorite number: 5.  She always wants 5 of something.  5 jelly beans, 5 pieces of fruit, etc.  Not 6 or 7 or any other number.  She only wants 5.

Favorite Movie: Fantasia 2000.  We checked this out from the library and she has watched at least once a day (twice a day on many occasions) for the past 2 weeks.  She is still a little obsessed with volcanos and there is a segment with a volcano in it that she loves.  I had to return it to the library today and I'm not looking forward to breaking the news to her tonight when she asks to watch it.  Luckily, its not annoying to watch/hear over and over again because its just classical music.  Which brings me to her next favorite...

Favorite Music: "Class-ti-cal music"  I've been playing a classical station on pandora lately while we play in the mornings and she loves it.  She loves to listen for the instruments and tell me which one she hears.  She usually guesses piano or violin and with classical music, those are both pretty solid guesses :)

Favorite Food:  She still doesn't like food.  Breakfast is by far her favorite and frosted wheats, rice chex, raisin bran, and oatmeal are her favorites.  At least they're healthy!  I can't say the same for the rest of her meals.  And she loves fruit.

Favorite Animal: Frogs.  We have TONS of tree frogs around our house and Adeline loves to catch them and hold them and chase them and try to feed them crickets.  She's not a girly-girl at all.

And finally, a couple funny quotes from Adeline.  We were sitting around and I may have accidentally passed some gas and she said "Mommy, are we friends?"  I said yes and she said "Mommy, we don't fart at our friends.  We can only fart at our family and grandma Sherie and grandpa Bob!"  Love this girl!

Second quote--Rob may have been studying some radiology stuff in church (I told you, he's been studying a lot lately) and Adeline looks at the iPad and says "Daddy, are you looking at the insides of people's bodies?"

And now on to Bobby.  He is 17 months old now.  He is growing up fast!  He's finally starting to try to say words, although pretty much everything he says sounds the same.  He still says I love you.  He also says "up", "out", and is just figuring out "more."  And the answer to every question is "nooooo."  If he's smiling or looks happy, it means yes.  If not, he actually means no.  Gets kinda confusing.  We still haven't cut his hair, so he's usually a scraggly mess (but such a cute mess).  He is shy around other people and definitely still a momma's boy.  I guess I'll appreciate this when he's older, but it gets kind of old sometimes.  He loves to be outside and to run away from me just to turn back and laugh when he sees he's in trouble.  He is also a climber.  This kid has some serious monkey skills.  He will use anything he can find as a step stool to get up to whatever he's trying to get.  He will stand on boxes, bowls, toys, the dog, chairs, the coffee table, pillows--anything that will get him higher up than standing on the ground.  He will eat almost anything.  He eats parsley, mint, tomatoes and peppers right from the garden--as in, while we're playing outside he wanders to the garden and gets himself a snack.  We have to watch him close so he doesn't pick all the veggies before they ripen.  He also wants to do everything that Adeline does, however, the kids haven't gotten to the phase where they like to play together.  They still just fight over toys all the time.  Hopefully they will start to like each other a little bit...Bobby is starting to entertain himself with toys lately though, which I am loving!

No pictures today, but next time, I promise some photos!  And hopefully soon I'll post some pictures of the house because we've been working hard to finish projects and get it organized and decorated.