Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 50: A letter to your reflection in the mirror

Not my last post, because I still have to go back to a few with photos in them!

Dear Haley,

You look good today.  (It’s a good thing I’m writing this blog post a couple days early, because who knows how you’ll look tomorrow!).  You should wear that shirt more often, especially since its not really a maternity shirt and you’ll probably only fit into it for maybe another month.  It’s tough looking in the mirror sometimes when I’m pregnant because sometimes all I see is a how much puffier my face gets each day (even though it may not be noticeable to someone else, I see it).  But today, you look like Haley, not just pregnant Haley.  However, there is no denying that you are starting to look older too.  Where did our 20’s go?  I have a plan though because I have no problem with getting cosmetic work done (a little laser treatment here, some botox and fillers there, microderm, facials, etc.) to make myself look younger, once we can afford it.  So once Rob is making Radiologist money in 5+ years I might be able to afford to get myself back to looking like you!  I guess its okay to get older though, because I’m definitely in another stage of life; raising a family and living in the “real” world.  Its a fun stage of life, but at the same time, its hard to let go of the carefree days of being younger.  Growing up is hard, but luckily I have to greatest little family to share all the ups and downs with! 



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