Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 41: Whatever Tickles your Fancy; REVISITED

So I finally have a few pics ready to post.  These were taken a couple weeks ago when we took Adeline to a petting zoo.  It was so cute to watch her with all the animals.  She almost crushed the poor baby chick when she was holding it on her own, but he got away without too much damage, I think!

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Also, here are some beach shots we took of her as her “one year” photos, even though we were about 3 months late!  She absolutely loves the sand and the beach and it was very hard to get her to even look at the camera because all she wanted to do was play.

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eyes edited DSC_0037


The Piersons said...

She is so BEAUTIFUL Haley! Congrats on the new baby also! We sure miss you guys! John is super busy with school but we are really happy we made the choice to do med school. Talk with you soon!

Lauren said...

Okay so this comment is a little late, but I read the posts backwards (most recent first). I LOVE that she is fearless around farm animals but afraid of bubble gum! She is way cute!