Friday, July 24, 2009

Adeline Jane Egbert

Born July 22, 2009 11:45am  7lbs  19.5 in

DSC_0041 Our beautiful baby girl is here!  Of course, we are as thrilled as can be.  Here’s our story:

On Monday I could tell this pregnancy was getting close to the end and decided that we needed to pack our bags for the hospital, just in case.  We still thought we would have about another week, but it felt good to get ready.  I went to see my doctor Tuesday morning to make sure everything was going as planned and he sent me home saying everything was normal, just the usual signs of my body getting ready. 

Tuesday evening rolled around and I noticed that I was getting more and more uncomfortable.  By 9:00 pm I was having my first “real” contractions.  We started timing them and, sure enough, they were coming very regularly about every 6 or 7 minutes.  That’s when we really got into gear picking up the house, double checking our hospital bags, and calling our parents to put them on stand-by.  By midnight we called the hospital but the nurse said not to come in until the contractions were 2-3 minutes apart and really strong.  So we got in bed hoping to get a little sleep (yeah right!).  By about 2:00am the contractions were hardly bearable and still very consistent at 6 minutes apart.  Rob got a little sleep (maybe 2 hours) while I suffered through horrible pain for the next 3 hours, every 5 minutes.  By 5:00am I could hardly take it anymore and we called the hospital again.  The nurse said we could come in and get checked, but if I wasn’t dilated enough yet they would send me home.  At this point I didn’t care, I just wanted to do something other than lay there counting contractions so we loaded up the car and got to the hospital about 5:45. 

We got settled in triage and the nurse checked everything and by this time I was dilated to 3cm so she let us stay!  I was SO glad we didn’t have to go back home, but she let us know that it would probably still be a long time before this baby came.  Once they got us admitted and into our room the nurse told me I could have the epidural whenever I wanted, so we went ahead and got that at about 8:00.  It went super smooth, and I hardly noticed him put it in.  Rob had a doctor’s appointment scheduled for that morning so I told him to go ahead and go to it since I would just be sleeping.  He left around 8:30.  The meds started working right away and I was so excited to finally be able to sleep!  With all the stuff the nurse had to do I finally dozed off around 9:00.  I think I got about 30-45 minutes of sleep when Rob got back.  The epidural had slowed my contractions down so the nurse had given me some potosin to get things going again.  She came back to check me at about 10:00.  When she checked, we were all surprised when she said I was 10cm and it was time to start pushing!  I was actually a little disappointed because I was hoping for about 2 more hours of sleep first!  I started pushing at about 10:25 and pushed for about 30 minutes to get this girl ready for the “real” pushing with the doctor.  We had to wait about 20 minutes for the doctor to get there and then started pushing again.  I pushed for him through 2 contractions and out popped our little girl!  I couldn’t believe how easy it was!  With the epidural, I couldn’t feel a thing. 

She’s a wonderful baby, sleeps pretty well and feeds pretty well (so far).  Everything went as smooth as can be.  My parents made it to the hospital about 30 minutes after she was born and have been helping out a ton.  We had lots of visitors at the hospital and have been on the phone/email/facebook trying to keep everyone up to date.  We came home this morning (Friday) and Rob and I both enjoyed a nice long nap while Nana and Papa took care of the little princess.  All in all, there were 2 stressful things about this whole situation: 1. making it through the miserable night of labor Tuesday night and 2. Not having a name picked out until the day after she was born!  We were back and forth on names so many times but finally decided on Adeline Jane.  We figured we will call her all sorts of nicknames like Addie, Addie-Jane, baby Jane, and Janey, so she will probably be thoroughly confused!  Whatever we call her, we are both so in love with her and of course think she is the most beautiful baby in the world.  She’s got Rob’s hair and my long tongue so we know she’s ours!  Enjoy the photos…there will be plenty more to come!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.


The Dunn Family said...

What a precious sweetheart! sweet! I must admit that I'm a little jealous of the easy delivery though! Congrats!! Get some rest!!

Kauti Nicholls said...

glad it all went smoothly--love all her pics, she is adorable!!! congratulations :)

Kristen said...

Haley, your little girl is just adorable. I love the pics!! I hope things are continuing to go well at home and please let me know if you need anything!
~Kristen Loftis :o)

Maria said...

I am so happy for you guys! I cannot believe how dark her hair is. I gave up on my dreams of having a dark-haired baby with my third blonde! I can't wait to see her in person next week!

Justin and Lindsay Wilkin said...

She is just as pretty on camera as she is in real life. :) I LOVE all the dark hair that she got from Rob. Haley I LOVE the pic. where you and Adeline are both sticking your tongues out, that is priceless. She will laugh at that when she gets older. I am so EXCITED for our baby to get her so we can have playdates. Hope that you guys are doing well at home. Let me know if you need anything. I would LOVE to help out, especially hold her!!! :)

Lauren F. said...

She is the most beautiful little baby girl! I'm so happy you had such an easy delivery! Congrats you guys!

elizaf said...

Haley, you and Rob look so excited to be parents!! Don't forget to make flashcards for when my little girl comes in 3 months! :) Congratulations -- she is absolutely adorable.

MurseBob said...

Haley and Rob,
Addie is a doll! I cannot wait to get back to South Carolina to give her a big hug ... what a sweetie!

Way to go!

Lauren said...

Your blog is giving me a fever....a baby fever! She is absolutely adorable!!!