Saturday, June 7, 2014

Inquisitive Little Boy

Bobby's little 3 1/2 year old mind has been working overtime the past week, apparently pondering the deep questions of life.  Here are a few of the questions he asked this week.  All of them seemed completely random to us.  I'm sure there was something that triggered his thinking, but neither Rob nor I could figure out what got these questions in his head.

"Mommy, when will I have a baby in my belly?"  He may have cried when I told him that only girls could have babies in their bellies.  I love my sweet, tender little guy!

"Daddy, will you be sad when I die?"

"When will we all die?"

"Why don't girls have penises?"

"Mommy, who made your body?"

Lets just say that we've had a lot of interesting conversations this week.  This inquisitive stage is fun. I hope he never grows out of it.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Elizabeth saw a picture of guys in a swimming pool yesterday and said, "look at those girls under water!" I told her they were guys and she said, "but they don't have penises." I had to explain that they were wearing swim trunk to cover them. Fun times.