Friday, June 20, 2014

A Catch Up Post

First off, a disclaimer.  My camera on my phone stopped working a few months ago and I can only take pictures with the rear-facing (selfie) some of these pictures are not the best quality.  I really need to get my phone fixed!

Life has been pretty hectic this spring.  Rob was interviewing for fellowship positions for next year and traveling all over.  The kids and I went with him for a few of the interviews.  After the interviews ended, Rob started studying big time for his radiology boards (test).  He had been studying already, but once interviews were over he really started studying ALL THE TIME.  He took his test on the 9th and 10th of June and we couldn't be happier that it is over!  Then earlier this week we found out that Rob matched into the IR fellowship program here at MUSC for next year and we are even more excited about that.
The kids took gymnastics this spring and had a great time.  This was their last day of class.

The kids and I went to Atlanta to see my family over memorial day (while Rob stayed home and studied) and we went to Stone Mountain.  We did a bunch of other fun stuff, but I haven't loaded the rest of the pictures on the computer yet).

Hanging out at the park.

While Rob was traveling and interviewing for fellowships we got to see Hannah and Garrett and had such a great time. 

We've been eating lots of super delicious pizza lately from our pizza oven!

Adeline always has really messy hair.

Our foxglove plant made a mutant super-huge stem of flowers.  Adeline couldn't have been happier.  It was way too heavy to hold itself up, so we had to cut it and bring it inside.

Rob's work had a team at the Dragon boat races and we both participated.  It was a lot of fun to get out and be active!

Bobby loves superheros these days, all the way down to his underwear!

Rob's dad graduated nursing school this spring and John and Ashley and family got to come out.  We had so much fun with them.

Like father, like son.  Bobby loves taking pictures with Rob's camera.

Ashley gave Adeline her first haircut!  She just got a small trim.

The chickens are getting bigger.  We should have eggs in a couple more months!

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