Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yackity Yack

For anyone who has been around Adeline in the past year, you already know she's a talker! I think she has a secret goal to say as many words as she can in each thought she expresses. I keep a list on my phone of all the funny things she says and so for those of you who don't see us very often, here is a glimpse into our world from the mouth of a 2 1/2 year old!

*While watching the Lion King "the scary parts are not good for me!"

*After telling her not to sit on Bobby because it might hurt him "But I want to hurt him!"

*Her name for hide and seek "sneak and hide"

*About a week after grandma taught her how to fall back into her arms to do a "trust fall," Adeline was standing on her bed and put her arms out and fell into me (I was not aware she was about to fall on me). I asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm trying to trust Mommy!" (Luckily I caught her)

*While I was changing her poopy diaper "It's brown and icky. Don't try to put it in your mouth mommy!"

*on a windy day "My hair is windin'!"

*Daddy told her she had stinky feet and was teasing her about it. She got her feelings hurt and said "I don't like it when daddy makes the poopy feet sound!"

*A short conversation with the dog "Hello Gob, I'm going to talk about something." That was the end of the conversation.

*When she couldn't find her sucker. "Where's my licker?"

*After she noticed that she backwashed in her cup she pushed it away and said "Well, I guess I can move it away and have different water."

*Playing with daddy and some red blocks "Here are some strawberries for daddy to love."

*After taking her pants off and putting them on her head "Sorry Mommy, I look like an animal." I'm not sure she understands how to use the word sorry.

*Other words she uses a lot, but doesn't always get the usage quite right: probably, maybe, might, definitely, better, must, promise

*In the process of potty training "A big huge fart will blast me in the air!"

*Possibly her longest sentence yet "I feel like I need to help you get into my special house that I just made."

*Me: Do you need to go pee pee or poopy? Adeline: "Pee pee is a great choice and poopy is a great choice!"

While Bobby doesn't have quite the vocabulary that Adeline has yet, he is somewhat gifted in that his first words were "I love you." He refuses to say mamma or dadda, but somehow he can say I love you. Its pretty cute. And today, his next word was "Adeline." He wants to do everything that she does. I can't believe he's growing up so much!

1 comment:

Justin and Lindsay Wilkin said...

HILARIOUS!!! Isn't it so much FUN watching them learn new things. I am always amazed when I see & hear all that they pick up. Preston has become our little talker as well. We need to get them together one of these days.