Monday, January 30, 2012

Photo Dump

I realize its been forever since i've posted pictures, so here's a whole bunch that were on my phone from the past 3 months.

Climbing the dirt piles in front of our house

The kids LOVE to Play with sidewalk chalk. Our patio is always covered in their artwork.

Oreo pancakes from The Early Bird Diner. Yum!

Cuddling in the cart at Costco.

Ron Paul Rally at the college of Charleston. If you look really close you can see him at the podium!

At the Mike Huckabee presidential forum. You can see Mike talking to Rick Santorum in his silly little sweater vest.

Helping daddy blow out his birthday candles. She was SO excited for Rob's birthday. She even put the candles in his cake, helped wrap his present and then told him what it was in all her excitement for him to open it.

Did I mention how much the kids like to play with the chalk?

Our budding artist. Sorry the picture is sideways. Adeline drew this and then said "I drawed mommy!"

Helping daddy paint her bench.

Who needs a double stroller. (don't mind the huge wad of snot hanging out of Adeline's nose. Both kids have been snotty for a month straight now!)

Watching a documentary about volcanos. Volcanos are Adeline's current obsession!

New years eve at the beach.

Bobby and daddy at the beach in Florida.

Running up and down the boardwalk.

Mitt Romney town hall (It was fun being able to go see so many presidential candidates, but as my readers know, I'm a Ron Paul gal in the end)

A timeline of Bobby realizing his food is gone.

Helping make cookies in her monster costume. We bought it on sale after Halloween and she LOVES to dress up in it.

I'm working on getting pictures posted from Bobby's birthday and Christmas, so stay tuned for those!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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