Monday, February 24, 2014

Winter Recap--Learning, Playing, Building, Cooking, Eating

I think we will probably still have a few more "cold" (50's) days ahead of us, but I'm going to go ahead and say I'm done with winter, so here's my winter recap of what we've been doing around her lately--homeschool-ish stuff, just for fun, food (of course) and projects.
She had no idea I was teaching her simple division as we sorted out the beans for a rousing game of "Don't Spill the Beans."  Bobby also practiced his counting with the beans. 

I think I'm getting a little too obsessed with eggs.  I buy them every week at the farmers market and usually eat 2 a day.  I crave them.  I did a quick search online to see how many eggs it is okay to eat per day and didn't really get any good answers (no one can agree apparently).  I may have had 2 for breakfast this morning and 2 more for least most of the eggs I have been eating are fresh eggs, which are definitely more healthy.  But they usually don't even last a full week before I've eaten them all!  Especially now that Rob is around in the mornings too (he's working a 1pm-9pm shift this month).

Playing with clay.  Rob bought a bunch of clay for his brick oven so we made some clay balls for sculpting.

Trying a daily schedule.  I don't want to have specific lessons planned out or anything, but I thought it might be nice to have a little bit of structure.  It worked well for about 2 days but when I asked Adeline if she wanted to make a schedule for the next day she said "no, we've already done that enough."  Maybe we can keep up with this a couple times a week.  I made all the signs, so if you want to try it too, email me and I'll send you the file.

Practicing letters.  I think he said he was drawing lines to connect the letters to make a letter machine.  He is not interested in learning letters at all yet.

Making shape robots with our sand.

Puzzle time.  

"Dressing up as a dragon."  At least that's what Adeline said she was doing.  She wanted to color him like a rainbow dragon.  They usually draw all over themselves at least 2 times a week.  We've learned to pick our battles and if the kids want to be "tattooed" up, we just let it happen.  At least they're playing together nicely and being creative.

Cookies!!  It is very bad that the kids love to bake cookies because I always want to as well.  So pretty much whenever they ask if we can make some, we end up with a freezer full of cookie dough balls!  We usually cook enough for us each to eat 1 or 2 and then scoop the rest of the dough onto a sheet with parchment and stick them in the deep freeze until they harden and then put them in zip locks in the freezer.  So then after the kids go to bed, Rob and I can pop 4 cookies in the oven and have delicious warm cookies in the evenings!  These frozen cookie balls have come in handy multiple times when I need to bring a snack or dessert somewhere, I can just bake up a quick batch without making the kitchen a mess.

More sand play with the mini muffin tins.

Its educational because I pulled out the alphabet cookie cutters!

Bobby loves to play in water and I came outside one day and he was "playing sink and float."  It makes me so happy to see my kids "experimenting" on their own.

Counting money that the kids had been saving up for Disney World.  Money is something Adeline has not caught onto very quickly yet.  She still confuses most of the coins.  I think we might need to start playing "store" more often.

A few days after we got back from Disney World, Adeline was quietly drawing on the easel and when she was finished so was so excited to show me what she drew.  She wanted me to label them for her (in case you can't read them: Mexico, Africa, North Pole, and our house--United States of America.  We had talked about Mexico a little before going to Disney.  I had high hopes of teaching the kids about all the countries at Epcot before we went, but we only got through Mexico...but that little "lesson" stuck!  I love her African grasslands with a bug in the grass.  I'm guessing she picked this up from Animal Kingdom (and I'm sure she's had other exposure from books and movies).

Adeline wanted to experiment with water temperatures.  She put one cup with more water than the other and tested the temperatures to see if it made a difference.  It did.  And on another note, if you don't have a good meat thermometer, I HIGHLY recommend one.  We love ours and use it all the time.

A Picnic on a warm day.  

The huge snowstorm ;)  We actually didn't get snow, just little balls of ice.

Bobby and his bag of ice that he and Adeline collected.

Shoveling "snow" is hard work.

We built a fire and toasted marshmallows.

Making pretzels with the kids.

So remember how I'm obsessed with eggs?  I guess its a good thing we're raising chickens now!  Rob and his dad bought a bunch of chicks (all hens for eggs).  12 of these little guys are ours.  Unfortunately, we won't have eggs for another 6 months.  We plan to let the kids do a lot to take care of the chickens, so hopefully it is a good experience.  Adeline is planning to name them all after Disney princesses.

They're pretty cute.

Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  I can't wait for the kids to get just a little older and be able to play and explore more outside on their own.  This is the perfect yard for exploring and having adventures.

The dome of the brick oven is formed!  This is the sand form.

And here are the bricks that covered the form.  Once it sets for a while Rob will add another layer of insulation on top of this and we'll make it look nice.  He also still needs to add in the chimney at the front.  Then we just have to get the sand out and start cooking!  I can't wait for this to be done!

My best game of wordament ever!  I had to take a screen shot.  I've only ranked in the top 100 players maybe 1 or 2 other times but I couldn't believe I was ranked number 72 out of 1851 players!!!  I love this stupid game and waste way too much time playing it.  And don't judge Hannah for her low score...she must have started this round after most of the time was already up ;)

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