Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 42: A bad habit you have

Here’s today’s real post:

I bite my nails!

I am a very fidgety person and always have to be doing something with my hands, it seems.I have always had this habit as long as I can remember.  I have tried many different things to get me to stop, but nothing has ever succeeded.  I have tried using the bad tasting nail polish (this did get me to stop biting for a while, but it also got me to stop eating anything with my hands!)  It tasted horrible, but when I couldn’t bite my nails, I would pick at them and that was just as bad.  I have also tried acrylic nails, but I still bite at them and then tear them right off my fingers, then I have even nastier nails underneath, so that is probably the worst solution for me.  The only solution that works is being pregnant and taking fancy prenatal vitamins.  My nails get so strong that I can’t bite them off or pick them apart!  But this only lasts while I’m pregnant and then my nails go back to being flimsy and bitable.  Since I discovered this new “solution,” I have realized that I don’t like having long nails, so I still clip them pretty short.  I know its a horrible habit, and maybe one day I’ll find another solution that works permanently, but for now, I’ll just live with it like I always have.   

1 comment:

Justin and Lindsay Wilkin said...

I used to have the same habit. Then Justin got on my case several times and told me he wouldn't have sympathy for me when I was crying that my nails hurt. I finally tried really hard to give it up and I succeeded, YAY!!! :) Hope that you can find something that works for you. I can always send Justin out your way if Rob isn't cruel enough, ha ha.